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Prison Welcome To.. The Catacombs!


April 29, 2022
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Welcome To.. The Catacombs!

Suggestion Details:

Welcome To The Catacombs ⚔️
Rumors speak of a land, that can only be sought out by those who are worthy, Yet no-one has ever lived to tell its tale.. The Catacombs..

There's not much left to do after p500, Yeah you could probably grind to prestige 750 OR 1000 but since there's no further mine it's pointless, the start of the game is interesting and is able to attract much attention as there's lots to do but people usually get bored towards the ending phase, so for the End-Game players this is an ALTernative.

End-Game - New Goal 🎉
The Catacombs will be a new area that's unlocked once a player reaches Prestige 500.

This area will be a sort of mine, built deep within underground resembling a Grave-Yard theme (it's the Catacombs) though this won't be the type of mine you find at /warp's or prestige mines, this will be a proper mine consisting of "Ores" etc.
Features of the mine will consist of:
  • Dark lighting as it's built deep underground, major area's will be lighted with sea lanterns or red-stone lamps
  • The Cave will extend deep inwards and pathways leading to the major areas of the cave will be compact like that of a mineshaft (abandoned) but decently large like a hallway
  • There will be different types of ores that will spawn in each section of the Catacombs, each will consist of different ores as each ores will have different purposes & will be used to craft uniqe loot!
  • The major areas will have decent lighting and will be much larger then the rest (a massive cave) which will spawn ores nearby
Mob-Spawning - New Mobs To Fight 🗡️
Some PvE is always nice, especially at this stage since this would make the "Catacombs" a little dangerous of a place to be in

Mobs.. Mobs.. Mobs? What's The Point? (That's realistically explained later so please elaborate)
  • Mobs will be a source of obtaining Recipes, which will be the main purpose of the Catacombs as of Yet.
Recipes? What Type? (Also explained later on)
  • The Mobs will drop "Minion Recipes"
Doesn't this feel like SBD?
  • Yes & No, other game modes have aspects that have potential to last in different game-modes and make a heavy impact in game-play which is why having an open mind regarding the same features spread across multiple game-modes could prove to be useful to attract new players
Now Comes The Mobs: 📝
  • Ruin Guards -> % Chance To Drop Cash Minion Recipe.
  • Grave Diggers -> % Chance To Token Minion Recipe.
  • Cave Rats -> % Chance To Drop Beacon Minion Recipe
  • Crypt Stalkers -> % Chance To Drop Crystal Minion Recipe
The % Chance of obtaining these recipes would be somewhat around 0.1% To 0.01% Chance depending on what's suitable.
These mobs will basically be Baby Zombies which will roam around the cave in different spots which will be elaborated later on (Like Soul Cave Mobs)

Minions? - Mining Skill! ⛏️
This is what I've been hinting for, Minions! a steady way for people to generate revenue whilst not having to do anything but afk!

Minions are basically "Minions", there will be 4 Types present at the current stage:
  • Beacon Minion - (Spawns in Beacons around & mines them)
  • Cash Minion - (Spawns in Quartz around & mines them)
  • Token Minion - (Spawns in Sponges/Diamonds/Emeralds around & mines them)
  • Crystal Minion - (Spawns in Glass Blocks around & mines them)
Though crafting them will require a recipe to be obtained, & each time a minion is crafted a new recipe must be obtained.

Ores? - Certain Ores Must Be Required! ⛏️
Each minion will require ores to be crafted & upgraded.
  • Beacon Minion - Enchanted Lapis Lazuli
  • Cash Minion - Enchanted Quartz
  • Token Minion - Enchanted Gold
  • Crystal Minion - Enchanted Redstone
Now what's this "Mining Skill" ? To answer your question read carefully the Following
The Mining Skill is a new Skill, it's not the same as lucky skill in fact its heavily based upon this new "Catacombs" as each level will matter since you can only mine certain blocks depending on your skill level.

  • Enchanted Lapis - Level 15
  • Enchanted Redstone - Level 30
  • Enchanted Gold - Level 40
  • Enchanted Quartz - Level 50
Each Level will give you a 0.1% chance to get "Double Drops" whilst mining.

Cave - Layout & Features / Location & Spawn 🎟

The Cave In a Summary..
  1. The Cave will consist of 5 Rooms, 1 on each side (4 Rooms depending if there's a new mine)
  2. There will be 2 Rooms on the left & right, 1 in front and 2 in between Front & Left, Front & Right.
  3. Each Room will have different ores, the ores won't exceed outside of the room
  4. Spawning into the Catacombs, there will be an NPC on the left side (Gate will be a wooden elevator behind where you spawn) which will go straight into a middle room, which will be the starting point from where onwards there will be (4-5) pathways that will lead to each of the rooms,
  5. The Rooms on left & right, and the ones on the side (All rooms but front) will consist of a separate type of Mob from the above list (Mobs)
  6. Each Room will have 10 blocks that spawn and the rest ores, the blocks will be depending on the area for example in the Gold area 10 enchanted Golden blocks will spawn which when mined will give 1x Enchanted Gold
  7. There will be normal ores that spawn, (Gold ore etc) which will give renamed ores such as "Gold Remnant" OR "Lapis Remnant" OR "Redstone Remnant" OR "Quartz Remnant" which can be traded to the NPC near the elevator (100 Remnant = 1x Enchanted)
Spawns - These Ores will Regenerate every 30 minutes & Enchanted Blocks will Regenerate every 2 hours.
The Catacombs Will Be Open al ALL Times.

The New Mine?
What's at the front room you might ask..?

--> The Front Room will be another mine, that will be accessible to everyone & will be made up of quartz blocks (This will be an improved mine for p500), this will require p750 & the lucky block % will be 0.4%.
--> PvP will be enabled in this zone.

Game Mechanics - 🔧
Simple Insight on how the minions will work..

The Minions will generate 6x Enchanted (Block) <--- Block, Per Hour.

  1. 6x Enchanted Quartz Block - T1 (Each Priced at 500t per 1) (p500 then 500t, IF p600 then 600t etc)
  2. 6x Enchanted Sponge Block - T1 (Each Priced at 100k Tokens per 1)
  3. 6x Enchanted Beacons - T1 (Each Priced at 10k Beacons per 1)
  4. 6x Enchanted Crystal (Purple Glass Blocks) - T1 (Each Priced at 10 Crystal per 1)
T6 will multiply the stacks by x6 So each T6 will generate 6x more, & will also increase minion space as it levels up

Tiers? Can't we just use multiple T1's?
  • Tiers will allow you to sell the output of the minions using x (Tier) boosters, suppose if you have a T6 minion then you can sell the minion output at x6.
  • These minions will have to be claimed every hour otherwise if they Fill up they won't generate more
  • Minions will also provide Mining Skill xp.
Tiers -
T1 -> T2 = 16x Enchanted
T2 -> T3 = 32x Enchanted
T3 -> T4 = 48x Enchanted
T4 -> T5 = 64x Enchanted
T5 -> T6 = 80x Enchanted

Minion Limit - 6
The Loot From The Minions will be sold to an NPC in the middle intersection area, The shop GUI will list all the blocks for example
"Enchanted Quartz Block - Tier I-VI" etc depending on the Block.

NPC's - Coming Soon
(Will Provide upgrades)

New Enchants - Coming Soon
(Perplexed, Exhaustion)
Last edited:


March 4, 2021
Hello iSixez,

After reading your Suggestion, I decided to give it a

Might be the update needed for Prison because it feels lacking just to grind and sell and this will give Prison a little PvE that's been suggested for a long time already, P500 might be too high tho, I think adding some in like p50, p100 or p200 also will be good so other players who doesn't really grind 24/7 can experience the minions and other things that are suggested.
Kind Regards,
- ShirakamiKazuo


Active Member
May 18, 2021
I'll go Neutral since the concept of prison is to mine and that minions would be bit broken.


Addicted Member
July 27, 2016
Name subject to change, I hope. Might cause a vocal minority to speak out in defense of an organization that needs no keyboard warriors.


Addicted Member
September 18, 2021
I can't agree with it due some reasons

Lack of effort

i like your suggestion +1


June 6, 2021
Suggestion - Upvote (+1)

Hey iSixez,

I decided to give your Suggestion “Welcome To.. The Catacombs!” an
Upvote (+1)

"How long did this take"

I hope that this Gets Accepted, And Goodluck with this.



Known Member
Known Member
January 14, 2021
i wont upvote or downvote
why did you actually spend your time writing this
