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BedWars Trolling guide 2020


Active Member
April 19, 2020
Hello, I just thought I might share some trolls you can do in bedwars!

1. The ladder troll

This troll is fairly simple, all you need is a straight bridge and 1 ladder. So how this works is you build up 2 blocks and on the second block place 1 ladder than from the ladder mine out the 2nd block, then all you need is a participant, make him chase you but don't let him be too far away from you when your on the ladder right click with the wool and watch him fall into the void! This troll acquires timing and a player that doesn't know what's going to happen.

2. The ladder troll part 2

This troll is simpler but it's more expensive, it acquires shears, wool, ladders. You need a straight bridge in the middle of the bridge build 2 blocks up and mine 2 blocks out from each side, then get someone to chase you this time make him a little bit further from you, jump on the ladders and get to the other side, and when the enemy is climbing the ladders break them with the shears and watch them fall in too the void.

3. The obsidian trap troll

This troll can only work in Sonic, Crash, Konga Island maps, My choice would be Konga island but it still works for the other. This troll is expensive you need 4 emeralds, 1 knockback stick, and some building blocks. To make this troll work you need to find slabs on the map and when you have found the perfect place you can get to work, remember the slab is where the person will stand, surround the slab with obsidian (2 blocks high so he can't just jump out), and hide it
with your building blocks, make a player chase you and hit him in with the knockback stick and watch him rage quit!
Ps: Don't hit him because he can get out with damages help!

I hope you enjoyed and get started to make people rage quit!
