If you are someone who rarely comes in possession of buycraft, it is recommended to save it till new year
(For ex. someone who has won it in a giveaway and not someone who got it from buycraft trading or voting)
But if you are someone who regularly trades/votes it doesnt hurt much to spend it early
especially since its 65% off now which is not too less compared to 75% which we have during new year
This means for a total purchase of 100euro, it will only cost you 10euro less during new year
I am in possession of lots of buycraft too but I am not that inclined to save it all till new year
This is because am only a few ranks away from perfect account
So if Jartex was to release its new gamemode tommorow I might get the max rank then and there itself
Not to forget the early monopoly you could have in such gamemodes during launch
In any case the offers dont apply on gold purchase from store i.e. you cant get extra gold for same amount of buycraft
but offers do apply on purchases done with gold in goldshop
This means if you plan to get gold anyways it doesnt matter when you use your giftcards for it
Although I dont recommend redeeming giftcards like this as gold is non transferable
saving the giftcard allows your purchasing power to be transferable
the only reason you would want to use your giftcard is if its not secure
by not secure I mean, you didnt get it on email rather you got it in DM where the other party pasted the code
The only purchase which is always a good purchase is that of crystal with store gold especially when you are a minigame player