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What is the suggestion about?
TikTok Rank
Now im pretty sure someone has suggested this before but my suggestion is more reasonable listen.
Since on tiktok you can blow up pretty easily and some times videos do bad even when you have alot of followers. They should make the tiktok rank 10.000 followers. So the rank is a lil more reasonable to get!
Now alot of people hate tiktok and of course i understand why they could hate it. The Aglorithm is weird, doesnt take alot of effort. But if the following was 10K or 15k les people would have the rank! Also make the Tiktok rank higher then crystal but lower then yt and twitch considering the fact that yt and twitch are higher.
1. /nick
2. pink name
Since on tiktok you can blow up pretty easily and some times videos do bad even when you have alot of followers. They should make the tiktok rank 10.000 followers. So the rank is a lil more reasonable to get!
Now alot of people hate tiktok and of course i understand why they could hate it. The Aglorithm is weird, doesnt take alot of effort. But if the following was 10K or 15k les people would have the rank! Also make the Tiktok rank higher then crystal but lower then yt and twitch considering the fact that yt and twitch are higher.
1. /nick
2. pink name
How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
There is a big group of mineman tiktokers that would love a server to get tiktok rank on like hypixel since hypixel doesnt have a rank for them. And im talking abt good tiktokers like iFr0q, BidenPVP, etc.
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If you dont accept this can you atleast allow tiktokers to get yt rank with 10k followers. instead of there own rank!