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Helpful Staff Applications Guide

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February 22, 2023
A detailed guide meant to assist you with the Trial Applications process.

Applying for the Jartex Staff Position can be relatively challenging and frustrating at times. However, we do not want you to feel demotivated. We are glad to know that more and more people are interested in becoming part of the Jartex Network Staff Team, and we are constantly doing our very best to help them achieve this goal. In this very guide, we will be thoroughly analyzing the easiest and most straight forward way to reach the Trial Role, without however missing any of the key information.​
Your overall behavior is generally determined by various factors that are taken into consideration by the Team when your Application is being reviewed. These factors include:​
It’s self-explanatory that your Punishment History plays a rather crucial role in your potential staff application and having too many (recent) punishments logged can lead to a denial. You may not have any punishments issued on you 14 days before applying, unless you have been referred by the Management Team.​
How you behave on the platform, and especially on the Jartex Discord Server is also taken into consideration when your Staff Application is in the process of revision. Always bear in mind that your messages reflect your personality and being known to the community as a person that tends to cause harm and chaos is surely not favourable.​
Obviously, as with every other platform, you want your behaviour to be just as professional and respectful. You may not engage in any harmful to the community activities, as this could negatively impact your Application. Please also watch out for certain offenses, as they might differ from similar rules in other platforms.​
ING Behaviour
Yes, believe it or not, your in-game messages and behaviour can also affect your future Application. Especially in more complicated cases, the Team can even evaluate your ING messages and behaviour to conclude your Application. Now, apart from breaking the Network’s rules, you may also keep in mind that behaving in an immature and unprofessional manner can also impact your it for the worse. Always treat players with respect, as this could ultimately boost your overall legacy, knowledge, and popularity, which would positively impact your chances of getting into the Staff Team.​
Having a clear understanding of the Network’s Rules is quite important, as it shows that you have enough knowledge and maturity to join the Team. That being said, you may not just stick to the generic Chat, Gameplay, Discord, and Forum rules – yes, these rules are indeed the most important ones, yet you shouldn’t neglect the rest. Being able to understand and adhere to all the rules, such as the SS Rules, the Allowed & Disallowed Modifications and the special Gamemode rules (especially the rules of the Gamemodes you will be mostly focused on as a staff member) is just as important. Also do keep in mind that being aware of the Rule Offences Information is also required, as it will come in handy throughout your potential Staff Journey.​
Forming connections is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects when it comes to Applying for the Trial Position. Making friends with members of the Staff Team and potentially even with the Management Team can significantly help you reach the Trial Role. Being friends with members of the Team shows that you can communicate both friendly and professionally, which is greatly appreciated. This can also show that you have good communication skills, which is something necessary when it comes to being a Staff Member.​
Community Engagement
Being able to engage with the community in a friendly and civilized manner can also help you demonstrate your communication skills. We are aware of the fact that you might not be initially “liked” by the community, which is something that could put you off the idea of applying, however, it’s all part of the process. Nobody woke up in a community that revolves around them – you may try to engage and form relationships with other members of the Network. Being engaged in the community is not limited to Discord, but also includes Forums and ING activity.​
Although not necessary, you may also attempt to obtain certain roles on the Discord Server. Bearing these roles on your profile shows that you have a clear understanding of how the community works, as well as that you are capable of properly communicating with other players over a specific period. These roles are;​
  • Engaged Member - Decent activity in the past month.
  • Active Member - Good activity in the past several months.
Constantly reporting players is unarguably one of the most important requirements when it comes to Applying for a Staff Position. As of now, the minimum report requirements are;​
  • At least 15 gameplay reports.
  • At least 20 chat reports.
That being said, just sticking to that number will most likely lead to a denial. Having the appropriate “Reporter” roles on each platform is important. As a rule of thumb, you may follow;​
  • Active Reporter: 50 Chat + 30 Gameplay Reports – Necessary.
  • Great Reporter: 120 Chat + 70 Gameplay Reports – Favourable.
  • Senior Reporter: 350 Chat + 150 Gameplay Reports – Not compulsory, but a bonus if present.
Gameplay Reports
Generally, now that Practice and Skywars have been removed, the best place to get Gameplay Reports is by checking the PvP Area in Prison as well as playing Lobby PvP. There, you will be able to spot many blatant rule-breakers, such as people using Reach, Fly Hacks, Bunnyhop, AntiKB, etc. Other game modes can also offer a good number of reports, yet Prison and Lobby seem to be the most time-efficient ones at the moment.​
Chat Reports
When it comes to Chat Reports, things are a lot simpler. Generally, all Gamemodes should be able to offer a decent amount of Chat Reports. That being said, the Gamemodes I find the most time-efficient when it comes to Chat Reports are KitPvP and Prison. When reporting chat messages, you may also keep in mind that certain rules might not apply in certain Gamemodes, for example, General Rudeness in Factions Immortal.​
Bonus tip: A great way to reach maximum efficiency when you need Chat Reports is to have multiple Alt Accounts logged on different Gamemodes at the same time. If you adjust your settings to the lowest, you should be able to at least have 3 accounts on at once, which would boost your efficiency by a lot.​
Community Assistance & Forum Messages
Assisting people of the community is very important when you are planning on submitting an Application. There are mainly two ways you can assist players and these are;​
#assistance_chat (Discord): The channel of #assistance_chat on the main Discord Server offers members the opportunity to both seek help and assist. There you will find many keen people who are into helping others. You do not necessarily need to know everything – at first, you can just keep an eye on how people with more knowledge respond to questions and gain knowledge from that. Slowly, you will be able to assist players yourself as well, which is very important when it comes to applying. Also do keep in mind that your overall #assistance_chat messages will also play a role in your potential application.​
Community Assistance (Forums): Even though this one does not exactly work the same way as #assistance_chat, it also offers you the opportunity to assist players. In the “unanswered” section, you can find many questions from players that need help. Giving these people comprehensive answers can boost your reputation to a pretty good degree and will be a bonus when you submit your Application.​
Having the appropriate number of messages is also a key factor that will determine how successful your Application is going to be. As of now, the minimum forum message requirements are 40 total messages, with messages gathered from Gameplay and Chat Reports being excluded. However, you will most likely need more than that by the time you’ve submitted your application. One of the most straightforward ways to obtain messages is by replying to Suggestions, which can help a lot when you are about to apply. You can engage in conversations in the Suggestions Forum, and of course provide feedback. The best thing about suggestions is that there are plenty of suggestions submitted every month, and there is no reason to worry about getting punished for “Grave-digging”, as this rule does not apply to this specific sub-forum. Furthermore, please bear in mind that alongside your total messages, it’s also favorable to obtain certain forum badges. These badges include;​
  • Message Amount Badges (Typer+ is favorable.)
  • Reports Badges (Active Reporter+ is favorable.)
  • Followers Badges (Approved+ adds a bonus, as it's a way for you to demonstrate your positive reputation.)
Good! So here comes the tricky part; your application. This part might seem like the most complicated of them all, but we kid you not – when you understand how your application needs to be written and what to include, it can be a piece of cake! When it comes to applying for the Staff Position, there are certain “guidelines” that you may follow:​
It’s your time to shine, here you get the opportunity to show all your potential, and you may not ruin it by showing that you are immature. Being professional is appreciated a lot when your application is being reviewed, as it shows that you can handle various scenarios maturely and professionally.​
Yes, your language matters a lot. Extended vocabulary and proper grammar and spelling are all quite important. Choosing the appropriate vocabulary can greatly boost your chances of having your application accepted, and of course, the same goes for your grammar and spelling. Even the smallest mistakes can hurt your application – uncapitalised I’s, improper punctuation, etc. all show that your application does not meet the format we’re looking for.​
Team Applications values honesty and genuineness. We want you to express yourself to the fullest and be original. Don’t be scared and don’t try to be someone you are not. Truth is easily uncovered and there is no reason to try to disguise it. Your personality and skillsets should be expressed to the fullest in your application.​
Details & Effort
Always make sure that you answer appropriately in each section of the application. You do not want your answers to be irrelevant, yet you also do not want them to be extremely short. Each answer should be inclusive, detailed, and comprehensive. One of the key reasons why applications are being denied is because of the lack of effort and details in submitted applications. You do not have infinite application permissions by default, and you may not waste them just like that!​
How C.A.P. works
C.A.P. (Coordinated Admissions Program) is a program that gives keen people the opportunity to reach the Trial Position even if they do not receive immediate admission to the Staff Team. People can get the opportunity to go through C.A.P. since it gives them the chance to prove their knowledge and professionalism, which could ultimately help them become fully-fledged Staff Members. Once you have been accepted and invited to C.A.P. you will be expected to undergo a 4-week “training” period, which will determine whether you are suitable for the Trial Position or not. Each week will have different requirements.​
C.A.P. Without an Application
One more thing about C.A.P. is that you might be offered an invitation to it without the need to apply. However, this is a somewhat less common thing, which not many players get offered, and a lot of prior activity is required. Getting into C.A.P. without an application requires a lot of effort and knowledge that has become apparent to Team Applications over the past few months.​

Even though making it to the Jartex Staff Team can be a somewhat tough process, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a lengthy one. Around a month or two of good activity is required, and should you follow this guide step by step, we strongly believe that you have a rather high chance of having your application accepted. We'll be happy to see you on the Staff Team one day!

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