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Denied SBD Some ideas

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September 15, 2020
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Some ideas​

This is not going to be the suggestion post polished to perfection like Andeh's posts usually are, these are raw ideas that require a lot of work.

Gkit meta: Remove the overpowered state of gkits in gaining island value, since seasonal ranks and seasonal gkits were intoduced to sbd, the value gkit keys, gkit special etc. didnt come from the chance of gaining more ranks / gkits, they came from getting xp,cash, and most importantly spawners. This made istop very pay to win and many players consider it a bad thing.

Pets: Remove the damn 1 minute cooldown pets have after each activation of their abilities, its so dumb, isnt mentioned anywhere on the pet itself and makes pets completely worthless.

Rules: Gather all sbd related rules, including rules about istop to one place so everyone can read them, inform about changes and try to make it easier for every player on sbd to find information about the gamemode including its restrictions.

Island strikes: A certain number of banned members would result in disqualification of the island in any prize related competitions, DISPLAY these strikes clearly and TAKE FALSE BANS into consideration, people get banned falsely and unbanned daily.

Meta: Consider the pros and cons of farming meta (custom crops), grinding meta (the one we have at the moment) etc. effectiveness in gaining value for the island. Balance these values out. I'd like to play a SBD season where there was more than one way to make money effectively.

Hidden features: You added mystery sellwands to the game this season, they were a good idea and held a major role in the competition between best islands. The wands had small problems though, the way the wands worked was multiplying the sell value from the shop to 1.2x instead of adding the ,2 multiplier afterwards which made boosters stack with the sellwand multiplier, making x1,2 sellwand actually x1,8 sellwand used correctly, i dont know if this was intended but there was a lot of confusion in the community of SBD players about the wands.

Boosters: Seriously though, why do 5x personal moneyboosters exist if the maximum multiplier for selling stuff is 4x? The 4x cap really makes sense, now it is enough for 2-3 players from one island to have a booster gkit to have the ability to sell loot twice or thrice a week, if the 4x cap didnt exist, booster gkits would be overpowered as f*ck and win istop every time.

/comp: Right now you can win #1 in comp for 22 days in a row from the start of the season and still gain 800million less value than from winning /comp once in the last week. If comp was intended to be relevant only for a part of the season, make it RANDOM. I would love to see comp being valued differently every time, logging on or watching the timer run to 0 to reveal a new comp and its relevance. It would pressure the top players to be more committed and available, also it would make the season a bit different that previous ones.

Selling value: This is very double edged sword. If you ban selling value for buycraft, ingame money or ingame items, it takes away from the #4 and #5 in istop competition. At the moment when an island can see they will not reach the istop #3, required for payout money, they can sell their value for a consolation prize to players from istop #1-3. If you dont ban selling value, people will boost islands with trades like a friend getting is value from gkits / other places, wanting to boost their friend but knowing its against the istop competition rules, so they sell the value for a fraction of its real price, there is no way you can prove that this random person selling is value was just unaware of the real prices or needed the cash fast. Also this allows alliances between top islands on SBD which harms the integrity of the competition.

Staff members and prize money: This season was the first season there were disqualifications made in SBD istop competition in a long time (maybe ever), also happens to be that the party that benefits the most for this disqualification was a staff members island. I am not saying there was any shady business, i am not saying Zackpaduser's island didn't deserve to get disqualified (i dont have the infomation behind the disqualification or the evens leading up to it), I am not saying that the disqualification necessarily had anything to do with the fact that a staff member gained 2.5 times the prize money without the disqualification. It just happens to be that when a staff member was accepted mid season, a lot of drama between the best islands and a lot of confusion / conspiracy theories about staff abuse emerged and the winning island got disqualified from the competition. These events might not be related at all, but whenever staff members are allowed to compete for prizes it creates the feeling of unfairness to many players. This one im not giving a suggestion how to improve it, everyone can form their own opinions and create their own solutions for this possible issue.​

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
It might solve some of the existing problems, it might not, who knows?​

Extra Information:
These are the ideas i came up with while writing. If necessary, this post will be made larger, and corrections to suggestions will be made. This is purely brainstorming.​
Last edited:


April 18, 2020
Gkit Meta: Factions, Skyblock And Prison Are basically Pay to win so the gkits are too OP too - Neutral

Pets: 1 Minute cooldown isn't much - Neutral

Rules: Here are the Rules --> If you think any of the rules are missing or you want any rule to be added you can Msg a staff/Make a suggestion - -1

Island Strikes: Just a -1

Meta: If You really try hard and work for it you can find multiple ways to make money effectively. Eg: Selling Exp, Drops And stars from grinding and Automatic cactus farm etc. But a +1 cause more ways wouldn't hurt.

Hidden Features: I Guess it was intended to make players receive only 1.2x Sellwands. But I hope this gets revamped/made better So +1

Boosters: Removing 5x Multiplier booster or Making the maximum multiplier into 5x booster would really help - +1

/Comp: Yes randomizing the Amount of points every week would really make /competition intresting and make the players of the islands for hardworking too - +1

Selling Value: Yes Boosting makes the top 3 islands to easily get to change their position from #3 to #2 or #2 to #1 - +1

Staff Members and prize money: Staff can be trusted cause they are "Staff". It isnt unfair at all cause staff are just like normal players and they too want to compete in /is top and do the other things. If players find anything suspicious they can complain to higher positioned staff about it


March 27, 2017
Suggestion - DENIED

Hello, appuli​
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network. After reviewing your suggestion, I have decided to deny it, although some of the ideas were implemented.​

Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!​
Kind regards,
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