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Helpful Informative SkyBlock Dream Guide

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Staff member
January 28, 2019
This guide will go through the most important commands, functions, and overall ways to properly play SkyBlock Dream and get yourself into an incredible adventure.
Throughout this guide, you will find some text with this color, meaning there is a link attached to the text, so please make sure to click it.

Step 1: Create an island
  • To create an island you must type /island create, or /is create.​
  • After having typed the command shown above, you will be prompted with THIS GUI.​
Step 2: Setup your island​
  • Customize your island settings and permissions by typing /is.
  • After having typed /is, you will be prompted with THIS GUI.

What you'll want to do after having created an island, you'll want to generate income to increase and improve your growth rate. In the majority of the occasions, the more balance you spend, the more income you'll generate. There are multiple ways to start generating profit, some of these ways having a much higher profit than the other one. The following will be the most common ways to produce income;

Custom Crops: Buying crops and harvesting to sell them for a fair price​
  • Custom crops are often one of the starting points for the income-generating process. Though this task isn't the simplest, as you must fight against the devil before reaching your goal. In order to start gaining income from the custom crops, you'll need to gather the recipes by killing mobs in the Boss world.
  • Buy custom crops by typing /shop, in the main world, and you'll find a "Custom Crops" icon, after clicking it, you will be directed to THIS screen.
Cactus Farms: Building multiple layers of cactuses to create an automated cutting process​
  • Cactuses can be found in the "Food and Farming" section, in which you will be prompted with THIS screen.
  • An example of a cactus farm can be found HERE.
  • Cactuses are often used to generate passive income, meaning you do not have be actively checking on them to be harvested, as they undergo an automated process. These farms are a cheap and easy way to get started with your empire.
Mob Farms: Gathering mob spawners and building a farm for them to drop their loot after their death​
  • This method is some-how advanced and requires more time and balance put into it. Mob Farms are one of the most effective ways to produce money, as they are also a passive income business, though most of the time you will have to keep an eye on the chests to prevent loot from being lost.
  • A very simple and fast way to start is by building a structure similar to THIS ONE. Where the Iron Golems die by being burnt in the lava, to end up in the mob chests. Example screenshot HERE.
Grinding Mobs: Killing mobs to gather their loot and sell it to the best market price or to the store​
  • Grinding mobs could be one of the most efficient ways to gather experience, as well as loot in huge quantities. This method requires a good sword, to increase the loot you receive and the potential EXP you earn.
  • The most common mob used for grinding is the blaze, therefore you'd want to build a structure similar to THIS one. With a 1 height limit to prevent the mobs from escaping a certain area, just like THIS one.


Mobcoins are quite a useful currency when it comes to obtaining uncommon items, as well as being exchanged for money. The Mobcoins are often used to purchase in-game items that you are not able to purchase with in-game money, though a lot of players sell them to others, as they can be sold for quite a good price, and eventually help you increase your progress within the game-mode.

How to obtain Mobcoins?
Obtaining Mobcoins will not be an easy task if you've recently entered the game-mode, as you will need to make your way up with better equipment and/or spawners in order to increase your Mobcoins faster, and easier. The most common ways of obtaining Mobcoins are the following;

Grinding Mobs: Killing mobs to obtain Mobcoins, or gather their heads to trade them for Mobcoins.
  • Killing mobs is a great way to gather Mobcoins, there are some enchantments that are incredibly helpful to increase the Mobcoins per-mob kill. Stars Coins is a highly important enchantment to obtain Mobcoins, though it is highly difficult to obtain the highest level. Coins is the most common enchantment to obtain Mobcoins, as it is less rare.​

What to do with Mobcoins?
Most of the players decide to sell their Mobcoins to others, as this is one of the main sources of income. Though you are also able to buy items with these, as stated above. The main actions you're able to perform with the Mobcoins are the following:

Transfer: Transfer is a command you'll perform to take a look at the current items available for purchase with Mobcoins. This menu will rotate its items every certain time. The transfer menu also has 2 different sections/sides, one for the common items, and the other one for the special items.

Auction House: As stated above, some players decide to sell their Mobcoins, therefore posting them in the "Auction House" or "/ah", is one of the best choices in this case! You can as well post it in the official JartexNetwork Marketplace.



Pets are incredibly useful buddies who will support you throughout your grinding journey. These pets have different and incredible abilities, such as the chances to multiply your money by a certain percent on each sale!

How to obtain pets?
There are also multiple ways to obtain a pet, though the majority of these ways are by trading them with other players. But, you are also able to obtain these pets by the following method:

ZooKeeper: The
Zookeeper will have a small variety of pets available for you every week, but be ready, as the prices will be high to achieve!

Crates: If you are not willing to wait a week to obtain a pet, you also stand a chance to obtain pets by opening
crates! You can buy crate keys and let your luck be the best.


The BossWorld has multiple purposes, starting from the idea that you won't be able to buy spawners without having BossWorld items. The BossWorld also will provide you with the most valuable items, items which you'll be able to re-sell for a considerably high price!

What can I do in the BossWorld?

You can do a lot of things in the BossWorld, but some of the main things you'll want to do are the following:

Obtain Fragments: Fragments are mostly used to purchase high-tier spawners, therefore you will need a lot of these fragments in order to increase your overall money income! There are 3 types of fragments, Bronze Fragments, Silver Fragments, and Gold Fragments. Each one of these Fragments having its different difficulty to be obtained.

Recipies: Recipies can also be obtained in the BossWorld, and these recipes' main purpose is to let you harvest that certain crop. Each crop will have its own recipe.

Boss Items: These items are highly valuable, as these can either help you level up, or serve other purposes. Though the majority of these items are sold in the auction house.

Obtaining Experience: Obtaining experience is very important in SkyBlock Dream, as you'll want to buy custom enchantments to increase your equipment's quality over time.

This guide will be updated over time. If you feel like specific information should be added, do not hesitate to contact me on Discord, Rodagave#1359.
Best of luck to everyone!


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