Is there any way that we can get Jartex gold for free like Iron.
If you are talking about minigame gold rank, we used to be able to get a monthly one for vote crystal
But this was long time ago and during an event, not only that vote crystals are also removed now
But there is a straight forward way to get gold rank in less than 2 months for free
You can vote and try to get Iron->Gold rankupgrade from goldshop which costs 2000 store iron
Getting 2000 store iron in a month isnt possible for cracked IGNs anymore
since they can only reach to about ~199 in best case if all goes right
But you can still get 2000 iron, what you can do is you can claim 1500 iron for 150 vote at the end of month and keep voting
Iron has an expiry of 14 days, during that 14 days you can still vote and get 50 more votes getting your total to 2000 iron
You could also get 500 Store iron by winning a monthly iron rank from vote crate when you already own one
Also this iron only has a 7 day expiry and it is recommended to get vote iron along with it
since its not guaranteed that you will get 500 iron four times, you should also stack as much as 600 vote keys before going for this
A few precaution you should take is to get iron rank first
This will allow you to get gold rank upgrade later and prevent you from getting a monthly iron rank
If you are talking about Store gold, we used to be able to trade 222 votes for 2000 store Gold
But this was only possible for premium IGNs and now not only is that trade removed no one can even reach 222 votes anymore
One of the most reliable way of getting gold is by winning votetop but it isnt easy
You first of all definitely cant win votetop if your IGN isnt premium
Not only that even with premium IGN now that everyone knows the tips and tricks and plus with the removal of old topg link
its really competitive, and losing a vote by few hours can lose you your spot there
Other ways of getting gold is by trading for stuff for gold in other gamemode
but this method is incredibly grindy and theres no guarantee
For ex. you can usually get 1200 gold for 1million in KitPvP like thats the set price
But you need to find a buyer first, even if you find one he will ask for more since everyone nowadays is selling 1million for 1200 gold
Because of this you need to inflate whatever you are offering to like 2million for 10e, even that wont guarantee the trade
Another way is to win giveaways, Jartex is hosting them all the time and you can try your luck out there
Theres also plenty of other Jartex players who host there own private giveaways, I literally won a gold rank giveaway a few days ago
Even if the giveaway is not for gold rank, you can also trade whatever you win in that giveaway for it
All in all nothing is free, as all of these methods require you to do some work one way or another
But thats good because if the rank was free everyone would have it that would mean nothing