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TheBridge How to fix spy kit + ideas


August 28, 2020
I've seen many threads about Spy Kit not working, and after reading those threads it was said that it was a 1.8.9 visual bug which was almost impossible to fix, so here i have an idea that might be able to put the Spy Kit back into the game and possibly change the current meta.

If you've ever played team fps games (valorant, counter strike, etc) you'll know that you cannot see your opponents nametags/positions. My idea is to implement this in TheBridge, where you cannot see the enemies gamertag. Here's why i think it should be a good addition to TheBridge

Bringing the spy kit into the meta :
the current meta is just straight up cancer. whoever gets pots first wins (for the players saying pots are balanced and require a long time to make- they take 4-8 mins depending on the map). Spy kit would allow sneaking into the opponent's base and stealing the pots/ killing the pot makers. Rushing with invis would also be a new strategy ( gold pic + invis, damage and hide). Alot of things would be balanced if spy kit was fixed. Unlike strength, spy would actually require skill to use (hiding, backstabbing, etc)

Making it fair for attackers :
In the current TB, players just gather resources and if any enemy player were to attack the nexus, they would just see the gamer tag and kill him. With this change, teams would actually have to go scout and gather information and actually defend instead of just camping the resources and making it harder for the attackers (because attackers keep rushing and have only base stuff while defenders just keep stacking resources)

Xray hackers :
It's easier to get evidence against X-ray hackers as now they cannot say the excuse of "you unsneaked" / "i saw your gamertag for a second" when you have been clearly sneaking the whole time. the only way to get evidence against xray hackers was to see if they used any other hacks like KillAura or speedmine and get them banned for that

Prevents targetting :
Ranked/good/well known players most of the time get targetted just for the sake of clout. "gg ez killed (ranked player name)" is a very common sentence in TheBridge players vocabulary.

And yea i guess thats it if you agree dont forget to upvote :)
(coins update and add /kit too please)
