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Global Guide for new players

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February 16, 2018

The staff team created the following thread to help players avoid getting false punishments in the future. The following guide will be representing scenarios where we punish the player and how the player could've avoided it.

Before reading the following guide, I recommend reading the screenshare rules and Ilegal modifications written in the rules section.
Scenario A
  • A player is requesting an Antibot whitelist. We check a screenshot of his/her taskbar and Minecraft and notice that he has Autoclicker.exe in his/her taskbar. The player will get punished.
Solution: Remove the clicker from your taskbar and uninstall the Autoclicker. It doesn't matter if you were or not using it on Jartex; we will still punish you for having it.

Scenario B

  • A player gets frozen and logs out from the server; the player will get permanently banned.
Solution: Do not log out no matter what; if you disconnect due to internet issues, you will be excused. Just make sure not to close your Minecraft or restart your PC; if we find out that, You restarted your PC, we will have to ban you for clearing files.

Scenario C

  • A player has received a console ban and needs to get screen shared to receive an unban. The player restarts his/her PC and deletes files. The player won't get unbanned and will have to wait out his/her console ban.
Solution: Don't restart or clear anything; message a team screenshare member, and he/she will solve the problem as soon as possible.

Scenario D

  • A player gets frozen and decides to delete their files before entering AnyDesk; the player gets banned permanently for clearing files.
Solution: Never delete anything no matter what; we can't see what you've deleted, hence why we punish you for this. (Also, Team screenshare members are required to record every single screenshare. Screenshare members don't go through any personal files; the only thing we check for is client strings left behind by cheats)

Scenario E

  • A player is using a disallowed modification in a report; they will get permanently banned.
Solution: It is a blacklisted modification that gives unfair advantages; even though you were reporting rule-breakers, you will be punished as well and will have to appeal here.

Scenario F

  • A player uses a client to make someone seem like their cheating and reports it on gameplay reports. The staff member bans the player on forums and in-game.
Solution: Faking proof is wholly disallowed, whether you are using a client to make people seem cheating or editing chat screenshots to get people punished. This will result in a permanent ban in-game and a suspension of at least a month on the forums.

If you have any other questions make sure to ask me on discord! Unalert#9999
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