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BedWars Fun bedwars methods.

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Addicted Member
January 3, 2018
Hello everyone! I have played bedwars for a long time so I would consider myself experienced. Before the game starts I usually decide on what method I’m gonna use. Their are 4 methods I enjoy using.

The first method: Absolutly own mid.

In this method you just slap on a bit of wool on your bed then then rush to mid as fast as possible. Usually by the time ya get their the first emeralds are just spawning. Then you collect them all and return back to your base to ensure it’s not under attack. Then if possible keep the team sharing your diamond island either from going to your diamond island all together or eliminate them quickly. Then you return back to mid and do as the title suggests. OWN mid. Let everyone know that you have the emeralds and if they want to fight you then to come and get ya. Just by have 3 batches you could have a diamond sword and diamond armor. Already setting you far far apart from the rest. Through this method of just owning mid and having better gear than everyone you can win many many games.

Second method: RUSH RUSH RUSH.

It’s pretty self explanatory. You try and finish the game as quick as possible. So rather than saving for tones of good gear. You just try and take out everyone before they can get good gear. At the beginning I usually just collect the forge until I get 4 gold. Then I get as many block as possible and 1 piece of tnt. (Wool is the key thing to rushing. If you have no blocks you can’t rush peeps if their isn’t already a bridge!)Then I rush the person I’m sharing the diamond island with. Even if they got endstone, the tnt will blast right through it. As long as you have some decent pvp skills you can eliminate then right then and their. If you only get their bed however then respawn and get a stone sword and if ya need to chain armor so you can eliminate them. Then you just travel base to base trying to eliminate everyone with 1-3 peices of tnt and some wool. You don’t need to defend your bed. This is because of your able to take out the team next to your diamond island then by the time someone else comes to Kill you a lot of other teams will already be brought down by you. And having other killing each other their will only be a few teams left at this point. My fastest time with this method is 10 minutes and the game was over becuase I was able to take out 3 beds and then the 4 other teams had fought each other down to 1 already so I just went and finished them off. This method has won me lots of games and FAST.

Third method: Gear up

With this method rather than using the absolute minimum amount of gear, you take the way that most people take a bedwars game. They build to diamonds and if the team sharing diamonds with them is also trying to getting to diamonds then they fight until 1 is eliminated. Then you kinda sit back and get lots of good gear while upgrading things with diamonds such as forge. You defend your self and attack others as you get the opportunity to. These games tend to go until you got lots and lots of good gear and then you try to eliminate the last team or the last few teams with your very good gear.

Final method: GET OPED

This method is very very fun in my opinion if you just wanna have a long fun bedwars game. Basically your goal just like any other game at the start is to either keep your diamond sharing opponent away from the diamond island or eliminate them if they try to go to diamonds. Once this is complete you do NOT build to mid. This can and most likely will ruin the whole idea of this method. Rather, you sit back and collect loads and loads of diamonds. Spending most of them on forge. A maxed forge is absolutly insane as I find myself running out of things to buy. I end up just stacking like 7 e pears because if nothing better to use emeralds on. I just stack loads of fireballs for surplus iron and gobs of arrows from gold. But the real fun is in building a massive base. I enjoy going for sort of a castle design. Building walls and peep holes to use an emerald bow to snipe out of. Basically you get the best possible gear and wait till your opponent comes to you. With you massive base built preferably out of endstone it’s the perfect environment for and enemy raid that you can defend. If they just will not come then use your loads of pearls and insane gear to go and eliminate them at their own base. This is a very fun method.

I hope you enjoyed this and I hope you try out some of these methods as they offer more variety than just a regular bedwars game. Have fun! See you around.
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