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Accepted Immortal Factions Factions Changes


December 30, 2019
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Factions Changes​

Suggestion Details:
1- Change the chunk busters price from 2000 mobcoins to 100 mobcoins on /transfer​
2-remove Poison potions from /pots ( making them un brew able will be good to ) same with other debuffs.​
3-Enable printer even when a enemy is nearby ( currently it disables when an enemy is near by )​
4- Change the new Drunk enchantment to ( Strength II only with out debuffs just like Eternal factions)​
5- add Strength 3 to the new Bard sets as a BUFF effect for 4 seconds.​
6- Bard sets CAN ONLY BE OBTAINABLE BY Koths WITH LOW CHANCE.( maybe also from special season key)​
7-change the resistance time from god apples to 1 minute only.​
8-Make it so we can gen even when an enemy is nearby ( i know it was made like this so people can't gen patch but there is a rule and punishment for that)​
9-Increase the players power by 10 or make the more power upgrade on /f perks less expensive.​
11- Re make the gen buckets gui ( why using buckets when there is blocks a thing ?? ) make it so it has 3 types for each only ( Horizontal / Vertical / Vertical pseudo ) ALL BLOCKS . if you can make it so we can cancel gens when you let click on the gen block after placing it will be even better!. Nerf the prices a little bit especially for obsidian​
12-add lever to /shop ( Raiding category )​
13- add NORMAL White wool / cobble stone slabs 11to /printer​
14-add sand wands to /shop Miscellaneous for 500k each ( 20 uses)​
15-Fix the Tray pickaxe Tier I on /f shop ( it says its level 2 instead of level 1)​
16-Re do the Mystery scroll as it shows different scrolls on the gui than its real name.​
17-add telepathy to /ce on pickaxes category​
18- if possible make it so water refreshes when a obsidian is broken underneath ( when you use obsidian destroyer on a block that was covered with water it will turn into an air block )​
19-if possible to change the over world to something smoother since its hard to make a base / raid their because of the mountains and the high Y LEVEL of builds ( not that important)​
20-Change the Christmas cookie on santa gkit so it gives random mobcoins amount from 100 to 1000 instead of the McMMO that was removed​
21-IF possible make it so raid only starts when shooting on a faction with claims contected to base claims of that faction only.​
22- Don't add Raidingoutpost thanks.​
23- add /f withdraw/deposit to faction Logs​
24-Remove Gkit upgrades from Enchants gkit and both scrolls v1 and v2​
25-add New Tools gkit ( has 2 pickaxes with obsidian destroyer efficiency 6/ 1 with shockwave 3 / 1 with tray 3 / 1 sand wand with 1000 uses /shockwave shovel 3 )​
26- CHANGE ALL Tray / shockwave pickaxes to efficiency X so you can instant tap blocks​
27-add factions tokens bundle to Ultra keys​
28- change the lengths of the sword ability to 10 seconds instead of 6​
29-Normal golden apple cooldown of 20 seconds.​
30- REMOVE THE RAID BAN PUNISHMENT FROM THE GAME. or change it so its 12 hours AT MAX​
31- update the /f warns GUI​
32- add ROOF ART back would be nice​

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
better gaming experience boys​
Last edited:


March 18, 2019
Don't add bards because we will have to rely on others to play. Your friend could be not online meaning that the other team will have an advantage because of strength 3.

Please add drunk 3 with strength 3 and slowness enchants just like old seasons but dont allow abilities to enable while wearing the drunk 3 enchant. It was fun being able to do more damage especially since random damage got removed now.

I agree with all the other faction related changes.

And yes decrease the time of resistance when eating an enchanted golden apple because people won't take damage anymore and hits will be useless since resistance makes you a tank. People started abusing that to be able and survive without needing any skills since they don't take dmg at all.


Known Member
Known Member
Great Reporter
May 5, 2020
Suggestion - ACCEPTED

Hello, Movq​
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network. I am glad to tell you that your suggestion is accepted and it is going to be implemented very soon!​
Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!​
Kind Regards,​
~ Yanique1
