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Denied Immortal Factions Economy & Factions in general

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New Member
November 2, 2019
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Economy & Factions in general

I really need to understand the new way of playing Minecraft and I hope someone in here with a clever mind can be able to tell me.

Why do Factions have to be like it is on Jartex. Why can it be like back in the old days?

I've played Minecraft for around 7-8 years and towards these years I've only played Factions and Prison. I've had some small breaks from Minecraft now and then but finally took a break on over a year after I resigned as an Admin on FearPvP under the name MikkelRasmussenn.

I love to play Factions and I think that's why I came back to Minecraft but from what I see it has changed in such a negative direction that honestly, I can't even relate to the game anymore.
The OP servers are getting out of hand, maybe I've just lost my server research skills but when I chose to do a comeback a month ago. The only server I could find that was interesting to me was Jartex and another one.
I've had about a month now to study and analyze the server and is this really what people want in 2019?

I would like to compare the old FearPvP server with Jartex

1. There were resets, yes. Just not like every 9th week

2. The economy was balanced

3. Everyone had a chance to get rich on the server, even though they had not donated

4. The members were active and not just AFK grinding to get on the /ftop

5. There were no custom enchants

6. The keys you could buy were not too op but still gave u a good stuff.

7. The donators surely had an advantage and a lot of benefits throughout a map, but it didn't get out of hand.

Surely I could come up with a lot more but I think some of you especially the old Minecraft players understand my message.

Maybe I'm just too old and should stop playing because it will never get back to what it was, but can it really be true?`
Is Jartex what you combine with the perfect Minecraft server? I'm not saying it isn't a good server. Cause I chose this server to play on and also bought VIP so I could mine spawners and place them for XP but now that I have played here for a while, for what reason really?

No matter what this is a pay to win server, if u don't have the best rank or buy a lot of god keys at the start of the server, you won't have a chance reaching the /ftop within these 9 weeks the server is up for.
It's just impossible and if not, you have to be in a faction where there atleast is someone who buys from the store.
At FearPvP you could have the best rank, but there was no custom enchants so the only benefit you had (which was also good) was that you could get a gapple kit and a Prot V kit every 2nd day.
Where non donors had to grind in their XP grinder just to get a god set.
They best rank on Fear also had a lot of other benefits, but u get the point. I hope.

Now I dont even know what the definition of a god set is lol
Is it what you get from being a God donor on the server or is it what u get from the god crate (gucci, versace and so on)?
Even if u buy a god key and get a gucci set, there will still be people miles ahead of ya with 2000 custom enchants on their PvP sets.

This is a server created for people who like spending money, and fair enough but is it really what everyone wants?
This forum post is more a ''Please tell me how Minecraft works today'' Than it's a ''This is a suggestion for an upcoming reset''

The server still says '''New Reset'' but how can people like Hithy already have 470 mil?
The economy is so broken that it's not even fun for new players unless they wait for a new reset, and even though they wait they probably still wont have a chance being in the top 10.

I have around 11,000,000
38 Zombie spawners and 31 Skeleton spawners
(and a lot of other spawners that is basically worth nothing)
At FearPvP I would have been in the top 10 right now, the /ftop there was based on spawners and money in some periods
If u had 8 Creeper Spawners you would be rich there, if I have 8 here, i am basically poor...

The resets didn't come every 9th week, only in the end when they started losing members but it was just because people got tired of playing Minecraft for so long and people had to move on with their life.

The baltop was not ruined after a month, you could start on the server and still have a chance to reach the ftop before the server owner decided to do another reset.
Is custom enchants really what people want in 2019?

This is what the server is about when it resets
(feel free to argue)

1. Get some spawners
2. Grind some XP
3. Buy some keys
4. Buy a rank maybe?
5. Start selling your stuff from the keys or kits from your rank to non donors and other low ranked donors.
6. Grind some more XP
7. Go for the Inquisitive V & Mobheads
8. When u have it, boom. You've basically won the game and now all you have to do is grind, grind and grind for them mobheads and keep getting richer by selling your enchanted books / armor / weapon you make that you bought for the XP.

In the old days it was like

1. Get some spawners
2. Build a base and an XP grinder
2. Start grinding for some gear
3. PvP
4. Get a cactus farm (for example)
5. PvP
6. Grind for more gear
7. PvP and Raid
8. Keep getting richer
9. Build a bigger base
10. Get raided maybe, and if not there is probably a reset. Now start over

I think many of you will udnerstand that I am frustrated and this is not something where I'm trying to say that it's a shitty server, I'm just asking if this is how Minecraft works today and if not please let me know.
Maybe I'm just bad at finding servers which I think are good.

(Sorry for the grammar mistakes and so on. I am from Denmark and I didn't spend a lot of time doing this post, it was just like a quicky. You know the same thing people do with a girlfriend when they're tired)

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
I have no clue, cause I know this won't change a thing. I just hope that I'm not the only one feeling like this.


Staff member
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October 28, 2019
You are writing an essay, but fare to say, I
don't know much of factions


October 27, 2019
Hello there,
I have looked into your suggestion and decided to go with neutral.
Have an amazing day!


Staff member
April 26, 2016
Suggestion - DENIED

Hello Maarl,​
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network.​
Unfortunately, I will be denying your suggestion.​

Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!​

Kind regards,
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