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Immortal Factions Duel system for future seasons


December 31, 2017

Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Duel system for future seasons​

Suggestion Details:
The command will be /duel as advertised, you can select a player if you want someone specific to 1v1 (this will not contribute to elo gain or loss) and then the other way will be /duel queue for ranked and unranked, queueing will be at random so you will not know who you are going against, this will be both for ranked and unranked. Unranked will be more of a casual experience for people who have nothing to do, they can have a selection of pvping in god sets or Protection 2 sharpness 1 with speed 2, this will be the same for ranked but ranked will not have the option to pvp with god sets only the basic gear (same as potpvp when practice was a thing). Elo gained and lost will be 15 no higher no lesser, the base elo to start off with should be 100 and going below that even into -1 should be possible. Ranking will be done as a leaderboard showcasing the top 10 players, elo will be reset every week for everyone to have a try at placing at the top. Rewards that will be given will be called Duel lootbags which will be distributed as such:

Top 1: 3 Lootbags
Top 2: 2 Lootbags
Top 3: 1 Lootbag

The items that can be obtained from lootbags will be as so (lootbags should be named as #1 Duel lootbag, #2 Duel lootbag and #3’s duel lootbag so certain rewards that can only be obtained from first place cannot be obtained from #3’s lootbag):

Permanent God rank
Legendary Quest voucher
1 Seasonal Key
Dueler tag (only obtained through first places lootbag, make this a worthwhile tag to have and not look like boss master or event hero tag)
30 Million experience
10 God crate keys
Enchant orb

(All lootbags should be quick open like event lootbags).

(All these should have a random % of being won as a reward, and will be given after every elo reset to the top3 players).​

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
I feel like it will attract more players who would want to get that normal natural pvp they once had from practice while at the same time being rewarded for it for being the best, it improve activity in the gamemode as right now it is slowly dying off and needs new content to attract more players.​
