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Denied Prison Drug Autominer

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Addicted Member
July 27, 2016
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Drug Autominer​

In Prison, players can choose to either afk in their cells or in mines.
By afking in mines, players can use the autominer (/autominer, /miner, /am) to obtain tokens and money effortlessly, and can use those same tokens to upgrade the autominer and improve their money/token income.
By afking in their cells, players can harvest Drugs. However, when making a drug farm, the steps required are usually: players have to buy seeds, buy dirt, figure out that ice is a water source, buy wood to make a hoe, hoe the dirt, plant the drug seeds, accidentally break the drugs prematurely, learn what stage 3 (fully grown drugs) look like, wait approximately 30 minutes for them to grow, break the drugs, trigger the afk mining message, continue breaking the drugs, have the drugs get unrendered, re-render their drugs by warping, server hopping or moving a large distance within their cell, get glitched on farmland while harvesting drugs (a known bug that seems to have worsened this season), buy /fly to actually harvest their drugs, replant their drugs on the buggy farmland, sell their drugs to the drug dealer, and afk their replanted drugs to restart their progress (repeating most if not all of the above steps).

Having seen the simplicity and ease of use that the autominer affords players and comparing that to the tedious, painful process of drug harvesting, it is only natural to try and offer players that choose to make drug farms a more pleasant experience. To this, comes the Drug Autominer.

The Drug Autominer, either a separate autominer or simply the current autominer with a way to shift priority over to drugs (so as to not destroy a player's entire cell while they afk), would offer players unparalleled ease. If players have the means to make a farm, but don't want to go through the hassle of replanting, they can simply enable their autominer and afk.

The Drug Autominer would have the Drug Lord and Rejuvenate custom enchantments as Pickaxe Upgrades, similar (or in addition to) the current Autominer's selection of Pickaxe enchantments.

Instead of a storage for money and tokens, the Drug Autominer could instead have a storage for drugs and seeds. Also, as this Autominer would be collecting the drugs and seeds for the player instead of selling them, the Autominer could instead be upgraded for more storage space (Miner Upgrades, similar to the current Autominer's "Money Boost" and "Miner Speed").

Lastly, there are two possible filters the Drug Autominer could have: An item filter (allowing the player to filter out drug seeds or drug crops to a specific drug/seed), and/or a Drug Filter (if the original autominer is used, but given the Drug Lord and Rejuvenate custom enchantments, it can be filtered to only break a specific kind of drug*)

*This would probably interact badly with Cannabis (which is completely made out of ferns) and Shrooms (which might register as a "shroom" during stage 1 because of them being playerheads).

To prevent potential abuse (nearly infinite drugs from an endless autominer), the following restrictions could be added:
- The Drug Autominer, similar to the current Autominer, can require players to claim "autominer time" to be able to use it.
- The Drug Autominer, unlike the current Autominer, could stop working (cancelling the use of "autominer time", if that suggestion is used) when it reaches a certain number of collected drugs and/or seeds. This could require an upgrade to the Autominer's storage capacity.​

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
The Drug Autominer would offer players a stress free alternative to drug harvesting/farming, an experience that can currently be unpleasant (or even impossible) thanks primarily to the farmland bug, which prevents players from making farms large enough for their daily Drug Dealer quotas unless they can manage to obtain or purchase /fly, which greatly restricts the main benefits drugs are meant to provide: an alternative money source and a way to obtain boosters freely.​


Addicted Member
Known Member
September 17, 2018
Considering how buggy the drugs are even with players, I don't see how this would be implemented. People also very rarely use the autominer, and this would just complicate things too much in my opinion.


Known Member
Known Member
April 21, 2020
Suggestion - DENIED
Hello, Minecraftian​
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network. After reviewing your suggestion, I have decided to deny it.​
Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!​

Kind Regards,​
~ chocz700
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