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Denied Discord role (EM, AM, KM, VTN) No riot please!

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Great Reporter
Great Reporter
October 9, 2021
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Discord role (EM, AM, KM, VTN) No riot please!​

Suggestion Details:
This suggestion wasn't made by anyone else other than myself thinking, and not for being unsatisfied decision by management teams.
Purpose of this suggestion I would like to made that change of roles like EM, AM, KM and maybe VTN (Veteran)
I'm not sure if this gonna get accepted or not.
1. The (Engaged Member)
To achieve this Engaged Member doesn't have many issued, but as far they said in announcements (possibly) to get KM, that I would like to remove it, but as return keep as old one to achieve it as for example (Active Member) than after that KM as rewards that shows your active
2. The current known issue is (Known Member) Warning!: this has nothing to do with unsatisfied decision!!!
The problem with the roles model are the (help in many regards) was saying in the announcements itself,
and was totally chaos after the first day it was release, until today when this suggest was made. So I would suggest to replace with something difficult to make them toxic and such behavior, is that increase the warns/mute/ban rules of them such (Light become medium like (mute not warns) only caps warns and foreign language, and severe become 1 day ban can become 5 days ban at least, because of this Known Member totally getting a high attention due to roles above (crystal) and below (YouTube Roles) and unique role at forums with fancy colors, and with this furthermore we can keep the old roles to achieved, yet many consequences come to you own this roles.
The only warns that still apply as (light warning)
1.Capslock (warns following same rules as it now)
2.Foreign Language (warns following same rules as it now)
The rules only apply on (Known Member) like warn become mute, mute become ban (depends) on which rules you breaking (if you ask how about ban?) yes, the ban increase to 1 if kept repeating rule breaking.
1. Going off-topic at Assistance Chat (ban: can be increase if kept repeating, max 4)
2. General Rudeness (mute: can be increase following to same rules like 1 (warns) and 2 offense (mute), BUT in this there NO 1 only 2 above, can be max to up 5 days)
3. Spam/Flooding (mute: can be increase if kept repeating only max is 4 days)
4. Rioting (ban: can be increase to 1 until max is 4 days BAN)
Also + bonus this rules only can be punish by Jr.mod+ because we need experience staff, and not confusing Helper below (also if you had idea) tell me.
3. The VTN roles known as (Veteran) the current is issued is that, I'm really confused a lil bit about either can normal player get it like old that join 2016-2018 or following activity, but it's hard to detect since they keep leaving to update their date..?
But issued I've seen some true I would like to change as myself VTN (Veteran) if you were helper before I would like to likely to change that only Moderator gets it, cause VTN (Veteran) role itself same level as KM color with slightly different but with access (KM paradise channel) that made it so special, also not suggesting to separately from members list, and not owning roles at forums.
4. Last one was Active Member, this hasn't many problem as far I know and nothing to see it (nothing to discussion)

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
By this mean, it'll will lowering the chances toxic and such behavior that apply to Known Member only to restrict their freedom at least but can still chat and active, and less rioting chances by the community itself, and lowering chances of kept asking for (when will I'm getting KM) because consequences are really tough to handle due rules apply only Known Member.
Lowering chances being unfair for getting Veteran roles for being Helper or below as myself and Demotion Staffs that has been Demoted from duties.
Reduce of confusing chances getting Known Member or either Active Member while having Engaged Member roles.
Also what about suggestion asking what's the requirements getting Engaged Member, Active Member and Known Member? only OG own the roles know before know this system work, if you ask me I can't or answer cause all this itself decide by the management teams, if you deserve or not.
This is all my suggestion, and again (This suggestion aren't made for unsatisfied decision, unfair, being hate, unfair getting it who wasn't or jealousy, hope this change will only for bright JartexNetwork, and again my beloved server since 2016-last 2017.

Extra Information:
Extra Info regarding Known Member rules are only apply to that roles, and please management added those to discord and forums rules if needed I know we can its not impossible, so it won't confusing the staff member cause their human too, because of this I was one of "em" before.
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Staff member
January 28, 2019
Suggestion - DENIED
Hello, Xerrainrin​
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network. After reviewing your suggestion, I have decided to deny it.​
Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!​

Kind Regards,​
~ Rodagave115
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