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Accepted Changes/Additions I think would be beneficial to TheBridge

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January 9, 2021
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Changes/Additions I think would be beneficial to TheBridge​

All of this is coming from a veteran TheBridge player, having played it for literal years on different incarnations. I try my best to preserve some core strategies and make the game more enjoyable.

Changes to Kits:
They are too expensive and the coins we earn in game is minuscule compared to the price of the kits. It would take months of grinding to get one kit. I think the prices of the kits should be adjusted to fit the current coin system, or change the coin system entirely.

You could also put kits in the Brain Washer like in SkyWars so that they would be used for things other than cosmetic purposes.

Changes to Potions:
With the current system of potions being 1 gold = 2 bottles and the items being generally cheap in gold, you could make strength 2 in under 5 minutes and end the game at 6 or 7 minutes. I think the prices should be higher to sort of nerf strength rushing since it would be too hard to get strength.

Instead of using gold ingots to buy potion materials, it should be gold blocks or even diamonds, making it more time consuming or harder to get strength pots. This would even out the playing field and would not take away strength 2 from the people who just love to strength rush. This would also make people stay since they would not get regularly one shotted.

Invisibility does not make you invisible, it only makes you translucent.

Changes to Coins:
Bring back the 10 vote crystals = 700 coins. This could help you guys get more recognized since people will be willing to vote to get coins. Also as mentioned previously, the current system should be changed because getting a small amount of coins for a long game is insulting.

The system of coins could be based on how well their team did in the game, like Total Amount of Kills Your Entire Team Made * Nexus Points. (If your team did not break the nexus then you skip that) * Play Time / (Team Size * 10). Say an entire team of 16 players gets around 120 kills and wins the game in 30 minutes. They could get roughly around 2250 coins, which is distributed to each member giving them around 140 coins, or if you do not want to change the kit prices then give them 2250 coins each, which will make it less grindy. (Other people could also put in a different formula if they like, but I prefer this one since it facilitates teamwork)

Changes to Nexus:
I think the nexus should regenerate more points the lower it becomes to give the defenders a chance, though this would not take affect in end game.

For example, 20 minutes in the game your nexus is down to 10, I think that around 25 it should give everybody within the vicinity mining fatigue and then regenerate up to 50. It would only happen once to each team in a game.

I think here should also be a break cool down for the nexus to prevent speed miners from ending the game quickly, I think the cool down should be at least 5 seconds, then afterwards the person who was mining gets mining fatigue 3 5 five seconds so they can't break the nexus again. This could give lots of time for the defenders to come in and take them out before they could lower their nexus again.

Changes to Maps:
There should be more maps to play on other than Cliffs, Skylands, Pirates, and GoldRush v2 (v1 had a fully wooden bridge that I used to burn down in other incarnations of TheBridge). I think Jartex should encourage people to send TheBridge Map submissions, or make their own new maps.

In Gold Rush it is impossible to put defense close to the nexus because almost the entire room is protected, I think that should be smaller.

In Cliffs there is a defense where you can put sand on top of the protected area and it falls into the protected area, when you try to break it you are not able to do, in some games on Cliffs the enemy team formed a wall that you can't break into. This is a glitch that should be fixed, because it gives an unfair advantage to the attacking team.

Changes to the Shop:
I think there should be a redstone shop where we could buy things like pistons, sticky pistons, slime blocks, repeaters, dispensers, tripwire hooks, hoppers, etc. This would allow for more useful traps since you could make a redstone trap that can reveal a void hole or a deep hole. I think they should be bought with gold too.

Miscellaneous Changes:
I think there should be a bunch of signs at spawn or a repeated announcement in chat that tells you to use a command that tells you about TheBridge, like New to The Bridge? Type /rules to learn more.

Often while I am playing TheBridge there are people asking how to play this game, I think giving them a more obvious rule book would help them learn how to play and lower the amount of people who stop playing The Bridge because they don't know to play.

For the anti-cheat I think to limit the amount of false-positives (having been one myself) I think there should be a sort of invisible npc that is behind every player and if a player is able to hit them then they are definitely hacking, it would be impossible to hit them as a legitimate player since if you turn around the npc would also turn around. There should also be a /report command that everybody can use not just donators. Also instead of kicking people out of the server when the anti-cheat removes them, they should remove them from the game and prevent them from coming back, even if it is a false-positive.

Insane Mode:
I think there should be an insane mode for TheBridge, with 32 players on each team on a big map with the nexus having 200 health instead of 100, this would be popular because most of the games at around this time period are full and having one large game could have some interesting outcomes. This could be accessed by a separate npc, and has new maps designed for the large amount of players.

Or instead of having an entirely new gamemode, you could have sort of power ups similar to that of Skywars where you can choose from Normal, Lunatic and Extreme mode. Where in this case the nexus health could go up or down, the default kit is changed or the map is bigger, etc.

Let me know if any of these is bad or you have another solution. I spent about an hour writing this.​

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
It would make TheBridge more popular since many people sway away from it due to the current system being bad.​

Extra Information:
This comes from a sort of gamer/developer perspective.​


Active Member
February 17, 2018
I would like for someone to reflect in detail each of those points.


Active Member
December 15, 2020
9/10 Agree with you. I needed more words to post so here they are.
Last edited:


September 15, 2020
I honestly agree with everything that was said that should be changed and added. +1 from me, and good luck!


September 8, 2020
Bring back the 10 vote crystals = 700 coins. This could help you guys get more recognized since people will be willing to vote to get coins. Also as mentioned previously, the current system should be changed because getting a small amount of coins for a long game is insulting.

The system of coins could be based on how well their team did in the game, like Total Amount of Kills Your Entire Team Made * Nexus Points. (If your team did not break the nexus then you skip that) * Play Time / (Team Size * 10). Say an entire team of 16 players gets around 120 kills and wins the game in 30 minutes. They could get roughly around 2250 coins, which is distributed to each member giving them around 140 coins, or if you do not want to change the kit prices then give them 2250 coins each, which will make it less grindy. (Other people could also put in a different formula if they like, but I prefer this one since it facilitates teamwork)
why did they even remove it? with the amount of coins we get per game, this is necessary.

You could also put kits in the Brain Washer like in SkyWars so that they would be used for things other than cosmetic purposes.
I think i disagree. I want to earn kits by playing the game and earning it, instead of having sheer luck and getting the most expensive kit there is.
Instead, it is better to update the coin system.

I think the nexus should regenerate more points the lower it becomes to give the defenders a chance, though this would not take affect in end game.

For example, 20 minutes in the game your nexus is down to 10, I think that around 25 it should give everybody within the vicinity mining fatigue and then regenerate up to 50. It would only happen once to each team in a game.

I think here should also be a break cool down for the nexus to prevent speed miners from ending the game quickly, I think the cool down should be at least 5 seconds, then afterwards the person who was mining gets mining fatigue 3 5 five seconds so they can't break the nexus again. This could give lots of time for the defenders to come in and take them out before they could lower their nexus again.
This will force players to end the game very fast at first, and in cases if you fail, you will be forced to play through endgame and that will take a long time.
the amount of seconds per dmg nexus is too long also. it will be the same if you have wooden pickaxe or an eff4 gold pic.

I think there should be an insane mode for TheBridge, with 32 players on each team on a big map with the nexus having 200 health instead of 100, this would be popular because most of the games at around this time period are full and having one large game could have some interesting outcomes. This could be accessed by a separate npc, and has new maps designed for the large amount of players.
i dont know about this, because with the state the Normal TheBridge gamemode is, it will be more chaotic in a 32v32. Also, you will only farm kills there with the amount of players there are.

There should be more maps to play on other than Cliffs, Skylands, Pirates, and GoldRush v2 (v1 had a fully wooden bridge that I used to burn down in other incarnations of TheBridge). I think Jartex should encourage people to send TheBridge Map submissions, or make their own new maps.
old maps should come as well

overall, the suggestions about insane mode and kits from brain washer is the only thing i disagree with.
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