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Immortal Factions Better /Transfer

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January 19, 2017
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Better /Transfer

My suggestion is about making a better /transfer by adding better items, as most of you know, you buy mysterious fossils that are cash fossils, mobcoin fossils and XP fossils and the most important item u can get in /transfer is XP fossil or champion kit which champion kit is worth being there but the thing you need to understand is that from 10,000 mobcoins you get average of 1,000,000 XP from all 40 fossils and u can get 10,000 mobcoins by killing 100,000 mobs with mobheads X and that can even take forever for most players that have bad ping and cannot kill mobs fast so they end up averaging about 500k-1m xp an hour even with inquisitive 5 and that is terrible to see in my view, grinding 10,000,000 XP for 4 hours is a pain and so I really want to make /transfer become more worthy and so that will also increase the value of mobcoins.

My suggestion for /transfer items is sellwand, sellwand uses 1,000 most players sell that for around 6,000,000 and for 2,500 uses it's around 15,000,000 ingame cash

But however in terms of the worth of sell wands that are 1000 uses, it's going to be 2500 mobcoins, it would be worth it for a sellwand that has 1000 uses,
sellwand that has 2500 uses would be good to cost like 5,000 mobcoins to 7,500 mobcoins because that's around as how fast i can grind the mobcoins, 4 hours i can probably do 10000 mobcoins but that's constant clicking and my ping is so good, it's almost max ping and most of server doesnt have below 50 ping so they will find it a total pain to grind and they can do 10000 mobcoins in like 12 hours and with that also no one would grind, it's the reason why i am suggesting it not to cost over 10k mobcoins.

Special sets can also be added to /transfer, the price of the set will be depending on what set you have, I see that versace is best set, santa is 2nd best, gucci is our 3rd best, bape 4th, addidas 5th and armani is 6th best, the difference in value of each set is massive.

Versace set could cost 7,500 mobcoins to 10,000 mobcoins, santa could cost 6,000 mobcoins, gucci set can cost 4,000 mobcoins, bape set 3,000, addidas set 2,000 and armani set around 1000 mobcoins.

However, you can make your own decisions on the cost of each set but it's just my best estimate.

/Transfer should also include key containers, the ones that give god key, ultra, rare and vote keys just like the container in skyblock dream, it would really give a chance for players to get it instead of ranked ones always getting god keys, the key containers in factions should be worth around 4,000 mobcoins the reason why not 10,000 because in sbd you can make a shop and get so much mobcoins but in factions it's a lot harder to get them because grinding is the only way.

Next things that transfer should include is 10 pvs voucher, mostly only players get 10pvs voucher from god crates or rarely from ultra crates, 10 pvs is permanent so it would be good to cost around 10,000 mobcoins.

Next item is gkit mystery book, basically like in sbd the gkit mystery book costs 15,000 mobcoins and as it says, 30% chance to give you any gkit, i would suggest it should worth 10,000-20,000 mobcoins.

Also add gkit grinder to /transfer and gkit key mystery book, they can both cost around 10,000 mobcoins.

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
This would improve and would also give players more chance to get exclusive stuff from /transfer from hard work and grinding, it would make grinding more reasonable and more important.

Extra Information:


December 6, 2016
Suggestion - DENIED

Hello T0m45_ T0m45_

Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network. Unfortunately, I will be denying your application at this time due;

  • Duplicate suggestion (sent the same twice)

If you have any questions regarding this rejection, feel free to send me a message on Discord at natty_sword#2263. Jartex Discord Server

Good night,
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