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bedwars solo guide for my quad players


October 25, 2020
Hello there yall
if your reading this you are definately like me, a person that doesnt have enough time to practice his cps or just cant be bothered to. and if you are like me i know i dont like reading long paragraphs to get a small amount of information so im going to make this quick as possible.

(1.) ok save up 16 iron (done good job)
(2.) ok with get 64 wool with the iron (your getting there)
(3.) now one layer wool your bed if you do not know how to do that i will be attaching a video showing you how to
dm my discord ill help you
(4.) bridge over to the closest enemy base remembering hes also coming for you and taking height
(5.) if hes on the defense kill him once, if not and hes distracted you can go behind his bed crouching keeping an eye on him all the while and break his bed
( good job thats your first bed gone )
(6.) now your finish him off (good job you dominated a team)
(7.) now you build over to the diamonds and then to the middle thorugh the diamonds.
at this point most likely every team has build over to middle so all their beds are in danger except your because you build from the enemy base so your completely good.
(8.) using all the resources youve bought such as tnt and all you staircase up to to their base tnt it and break their bed, and now remember at this point someone probably has your not in base and he mightve gotten your base, but dont worry you got this (this is not quads)
(9.) now youve got the next base and your fighting the enemy. you in cuz your your good at the game.
(10.) then you go around breaking everyones base using the same method or any other method you can think of. remember always try to suprise your enemy
(11.) solos isnt a gamemode where man campers are present so yu dont have to worry just go find the last guy.


- After youve gotten your first base and youve gotten their loot the first thing you shuold buy is tnt. so you can easily destroy someone elses bed
- When you bridge to diamond, get your diamonds and buy some upgrades
reccommended upgrades are protection sharpness and maniac miner which is haste :) get a trap too if you want so you know when someones at your base
- with emeralds do not buy a diamond sword unless you have everything else that is required for example:
diamond armour
- always try to break a bed when your enemy doesnt see or know your there
- dont be afraid to place blocks in the middle of a fight it might give you the advantage
- always try to face the edge when fighting the opponent making it so the cant knock you off

and if you wanna play with me or ask me anything since that forum wasnt fully descriptive you can always dm me on my discord Heshukw#8577 i accept everyone :)


Addicted Member
May 12, 2020
Hello there yall
if your reading this you are definately like me, a person that doesnt have enough time to practice his cps or just cant be bothered to. and if you are like me i know i dont like reading long paragraphs to get a small amount of information so im going to make this quick as possible.

(1.) ok save up 16 iron (done good job)
(2.) ok with get 64 wool with the iron (your getting there)
(3.) now one layer wool your bed if you do not know how to do that i will be attaching a video showing you how to
dm my discord ill help you
(4.) bridge over to the closest enemy base remembering hes also coming for you and taking height
(5.) if hes on the defense kill him once, if not and hes distracted you can go behind his bed crouching keeping an eye on him all the while and break his bed
( good job thats your first bed gone )
(6.) now your finish him off (good job you dominated a team)
(7.) now you build over to the diamonds and then to the middle thorugh the diamonds.
at this point most likely every team has build over to middle so all their beds are in danger except your because you build from the enemy base so your completely good.
(8.) using all the resources youve bought such as tnt and all you staircase up to to their base tnt it and break their bed, and now remember at this point someone probably has your not in base and he mightve gotten your base, but dont worry you got this (this is not quads)
(9.) now youve got the next base and your fighting the enemy. you in cuz your your good at the game.
(10.) then you go around breaking everyones base using the same method or any other method you can think of. remember always try to suprise your enemy
(11.) solos isnt a gamemode where man campers are present so yu dont have to worry just go find the last guy.


- After youve gotten your first base and youve gotten their loot the first thing you shuold buy is tnt. so you can easily destroy someone elses bed
- When you bridge to diamond, get your diamonds and buy some upgrades
reccommended upgrades are protection sharpness and maniac miner which is haste :) get a trap too if you want so you know when someones at your base
- with emeralds do not buy a diamond sword unless you have everything else that is required for example:
diamond armour
- always try to break a bed when your enemy doesnt see or know your there
- dont be afraid to place blocks in the middle of a fight it might give you the advantage
- always try to face the edge when fighting the opponent making it so the cant knock you off

and if you wanna play with me or ask me anything since that forum wasnt fully descriptive you can always dm me on my discord Heshukw#8577 i accept everyone :)
First of all, I try to be efficient by getting 4 iron and putting 1 layer wool on bed and then going back to gen and 16 iron is not needed most of the time unless it’s sonic or Yoshi and u forgot the possibility that ur opponent might rush u as well and u might trade Beds


November 16, 2018
I get 8 iron schneller to the enemy base and destroy the bed before he can place a defense I know most people cannot schneller bridge but your method is not really good


September 11, 2020
Titan_Leo & ATitanBridger
I get 8 iron schneller to the enemy base and destroy the bed before he can place a defense I know most people cannot schneller bridge but your method is not really good
Same but instead of schneller i moonwalk
