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Helpful Advanced Claiming Guide

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Known Member
December 6, 2016
== What are claims and how to get claimblocks ==
Claims are a way to protect your builds and safely store your items from people griefing or stealing from you.

In-order for you to claim land, you need something called Claim Blocks. You can see how much you are able to claim by viewing your ClaimBlocks number on either your scoreboard or by typing /claimlist. In total you can earn up-to a maximum of 5,000 by simply being online, as you earn 100 every hour, however that is not your maximum cap of how much claim you can have, you can earn bonus ClaimBlocks from all these options below;
  1. Purchasing / Redeeming Ranks and using its once kit.
  2. Opening crate keys.
  3. Completing your quests.
  4. Upgrading your clan level.
== Creating a Claim ==

Creating a claim is very simple, and there is multiple ways of doing so, below I will show all the ways to claim land;

Claiming via Chest; If you place a chest in an unclaimed part, it will automatically claim a 9x9 area around it. In-case you have accidentally placed a chest down and want to remove the auto claim, you can find where it is at by typing /claimlist. Clip of this part.

Claiming via Command; You can claim land by simply using the command /claim while holding the claiming shovel. If you are stood on a block and type /claim it will claim a 9x9 area around you. If you happen to own a-lot of ClaimBlocks and want to claim a specific amount area, you can type for example /claim 10 and it will claim a 21x21 around you. Clip of this part.

Claiming via ClaimShovel; You can claim any radius of land as long as it is above 100 blocks by using the shovel. You can obtain this tool by opening up your daily kit. To use this tool, you simply right-click a block, and then right-click onto another block for the distance you want your claim to be. Clip of this part.

== Resizing a Claim =

Just like creating a claim, resizing them is pretty straight forward. There are 2 ways you can do this;

Resizing via ClaimShovel; First stand in your claim land then hold onto your ClaimShovel, this will show you the outline of your claimed land. Then right-click onto one of the corners to start the resizing process, then right-click onto a new block which is 5 blocks or more wide on both sides. Clip of this part.

Resizing via Command; Start by standing within your claimed land and looking in the direction you are wanting to extend, then type the command /extendclaim <size>. If you are wanting to remove the extended claim you can type the same command by add a negative symbol in front of your size, for example /extendclaim -10. Clip of this part.

== Sub-Claims ==

Sub-Claims are pretty much the same as a regular claim, however you claim it within an existing claim. Sub-Claims don't use any extra ClaimBlocks as you are claiming it within another.

So what are the uses of having a Sub-Claim? If you, for example want to play with other players or clan members, but don't want them to have access to everything or other players things, you can create an area for that specific player by creating an Sub-Claim for them.

So how do you create them? Well Sub-Claims follow the same principle as regular claiming. However to get started you first need to type
/subdeivideclaim and then mark out an area within your existing claim with the ClaimShovel, once you have created the Sub-Claim, instead of it being a gold outline, it will now be iron. Once you have created the Sub-Claim, you will need to stand within that claim before trusting another player. This will then only allow the player to build within that sub-claim you have given them. Clip of this part.

== Removing a Claim ==

Removing claims are straight forward, but you must be careful of which commands you use. If you are wanting to remove only 1 of your claimed land which might be an old base, you would need to be within that claim and type /unclaim, which would give back your ClaimBlocks for that claim. If you are wanting to remove every claim you own, this means claims within different locations, you would need to use the command
/abandonallclaims and then it will ask if you are sure by asking you to type /abandonallclaims confirm.

If you had a claim with Sub-Claims to remove the claimed land and all the Sub-Claims within you would need to type the command /abandontoplevelclaim.

== Viewing Claims ==

If you are wanting to view what claims you own and what coordinates they are at, you can type /claimlist which will show every claim you have within the current world you are at. You can also view who owns each individual block by right-clicking it with a stick, or if you want to be a cool kid, you can use the stick you get with your daily kit.

== Trusting Commands ==

When you create a new claim, by default, no one will have access to your land apart from you. If however, you want other players or clan members to have access to your land, there is multiple different options;

Access Trust; This will allow the player to interact with doors, buttons, levers and allows them to /sethome. This doesn't allow them to open any chests or place blocks. You can give them this access by typing /accesstrust <name>.

Container Trust; This will allow players to have same permissions as Access Trust, but with the exception of being able to open chests as well. If a chest is private, they wont be able to open them. You can give them this access by typing /containertrust <name>.

Build Trust; This will give all the permissions from Access and Container trusts and also allows the player to place / remove blocks within the claim. You can give them this access by typing /trust <name>.

Permission Trust; This will give the player you trusted the option to trust other players within that claim. However, they can not give higher trust levels then what they own. For example, if you given the player Access Trust only, they would only be able to give someone else Access Trust and not Build Trust. You can give them this access by typing /permissiontrust <name>.

To view everyone who has any access to your claim, start by standing in your claim and then type /trustlist. This will show a message in chat, similar to this; by looking at the colour you can see who has what permissions.

== Chest and Door Protection ==

You can protect all chests and doors in your claim so that no one can access them, even if they have trust permissions.

To protect a chest, you simply need to click a sign onto the chest and it will automatically private it. If you want to private them for you and a friend or 2, you can either do it manually or via a command;

Manually adding it; Shift + Right click the sign then type [private] on first line, <Your IGN> on second line and <Friends IGN> on 3rd line and so on. If you want to add even more players, add another sign next to it but on the first line you need to type [More Users] then add more IGNs below it.

Adding via command; Start by right clicking onto the sign and then type /lock <line number> <IGN> and it will add their name without having to break the sign.

To protect a door, you follow the same concept as to protecting a chest, however you can also add a timer to doors so they automatically close by themselves. To do this, make sure the door is closed and then right-click onto your private sign, then type /lock 3 [timer:x] - the x can be any number you want, and that will equal the amount of seconds until it will close.

/claim - Creates a claim around you.
/claimlist - Shows all your existing claims within the current world.
/extendclaim or /resizeclaim - Resizes your claim.
/basicclaim Switches your ClaimShovel to regular claim mode.
/subdivideclaim - Switches your ClaimShovel to Sub-Claim mode.
/restrictsubdivide - Restricts subclaims.
/claimexplosions - Toggles if you allow any explosions within your claim.
/unclaim - Unclaims the land you are standing in.
/abandonallclaims - Removes all your claimed land within your current world.
/bandontoplevelclaims - Removes the claim and all sub-claims you are standing in.
/accesstrust - Gives the player permission to use buttons, levels and doors.
/containertrust - Gives the player permission to use chests and animals.
/trust - Gives the player permission to edit anything within the claim.
/permissiontrust - Gives the player permission to trust other players.
/trustlist - Shows all the trusted members within the claim you are standing in.

If you want a full in-depth guide on survival, make sure to check out my Survival Guide, which you can find here down below.
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