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  1. marijn08

    Denied KitPvP prices for kitpvp leaderboard.

    no i mean only payout when it resets so once in months maybe a years. and like stated above by @LilKyjon everyone has there own talents like im way better in pot pvping than pvping on prison or faction with custom ecnhants and gapples ans stuff so isnt it unfair the peopel woh dedicate a lot of...
  2. marijn08

    Denied KitPvP prices for kitpvp leaderboard.

    yeah i know it wasnt the best choice of words
  3. marijn08

    Denied KitPvP prices for kitpvp leaderboard.

    but if it doesnt require a lot of resets shouldnt there be a price because it takes really long and a lot of dedication to get high on leaderboards, it takes way less on like prison as it resets very often.
  4. marijn08

    Denied KitPvP prices for kitpvp leaderboard.

    Minecraft Username: marijn08 What is the suggestion about? prices for kitpvp leaderboard. Description: so a lot of people have dedicated a lot of time to play kitpvp and to get kills & levels. it takes a lot of time. i'm #2 on both leaderboards myself and I bought a rank (immortal) and i...