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  1. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    No, around 35 gameplay reports were actual hackers and around 20 more were practice campers, and for chat reports play skywars every game snowball people off the map they're gonna swear towards you or say n word.
  2. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    Helped the server, took off some load from the staff team and saved someone's winstreak. More people on the agreeing side or else the votes would have been in negative. Think before sending a msg.
  3. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    talk about what's happening currently, every non-great reporter agreeing yeah try that even the randomest non would downvote your examples are so bad bro get some experience in arguing.
  4. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    I did win you dont have a good explanation on why we shouldn't have nick perms, so many people agreeing with it and it wont hurt you in anyway.
  5. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    Yeah best thing ever they could have done.
  6. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    Alright I stop now I win anyways
  7. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    If every great reporter says they needs this then they do what's wrong? and nicking is about discord btw For*
  8. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    No one would care?? Someone's winstreak would have been saved you never know. as well as others gameplay that is why this suggestion is made that is not possible without giving a new role how can you change their colors or if you can then correct me
  9. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    Give them nicking perks bro and let them nick like why are you all so bothered with this lol. It's just nicking perks
  10. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    Hmm well I am both maybe or idk
  11. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    So if I hadn't reported those 80 hackers/campers they would have ruined so many other games. Also about the grass part yeah I go out for coaching everyday for 4 hours but the grass is muddy so I don't bother touching it.
  12. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    Look every single role gives you a perk for example booster- nick perms, KM- nick perms and maybe a special chat coming aswell? Donators- Donator chat and lastly Great reporters- NOTHING Why cant great reporters have nick perms??
  13. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    If we don't snitch then server will be filled with rule breakers and staff will get way too much of work to do. So why not a small reward?
  14. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    No it's not about that tell me why can't we get nick perms when nitro boosters can. They just spend $10 and get nick perms and great reporters do more than those $10 so what's wrong with having nick perms?
  15. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    Oh then you both known members should also have default perks as a known member what did you both do? Weren't an ex-staff smh.
  16. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    Yeah bro suggest that I'll upvote.
  17. maulik1112

    Denied Great Reporter

    If misused then just mute them or kick them.