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    Is It legal to Inside?

    In factions Is It legal to Inside? AKA leave your faction, join another one and raId It? Is this permissible? Alts are permissible so can you create an alt and then Inside?
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    SBD Autominer feature

    +1 but won't they lag the server?
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    Denied Other Reporting/Admin Contact

    -1 reasons stated above admins don't have all the time in the world thats why there are helpers and other lower ranked staff to help you.
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    Denied Other should the server add games or not ?

    First they should make the current gamemodes better then we can think about new gamemodes
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    Denied Immortal Factions /f warp (name) (password)

    +1 Excellent idea. But may i add on a little bit? It would be so cool if you could also set it that a certain rank person can go here or not idk how the command will look maybe something like this? /f warp rank set officer or something that.
  6. O

    A little help with applying.

    So i thought of trying out for moderator however it seems it's not possible to do so. It just says that i lack permission or something like that. I heard that i need 30 forum posts for me to be able to see it. However 30 what? There are messages and points so what do i need to get to 30 and how...
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    How to be good at pvp

    That's obvious!
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    VERY IMPORTANT (not really)

    Some peeps are very weird
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    things i don't like

    Wow this was so random XD
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    Why am I ban by jartex?

    Wow real sorry for that inconvenience I recommend you contact the staff team to sort everything out
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    Why I think Jartex should remove the ability to buy an unban

    I am writing this late but I feel like I must express my views on this. The thing is while unbans ruin servers and allow hackers to easily come back they often are a major reason a server stays in business because of the money they earn from the unban. However I also don't like the fact that you...
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    I have a gamemode idea

    I like the idea but 20-50 peeps is a big amount and the que times might be long and if so that will hurt the playerbase of this gamemode. Plus UHC can last for upto 2 hours which is long. And if it gets popular then we will need lots of lobby's and i mean lots of lobby's. But overall +1