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  1. B

    Accepted Immortal Factions Things to add in factions

    you could also fix it if you have raid claim in the last 1m you are allow to unclaim it and claim it again
  2. B

    Accepted Immortal Factions Things to add in factions

    Minecraft Username: Dronedoesmc What is the suggestion about? Things to add in factions Description: you should have /printer that will put you into creative so printing would be smoother. make gen bucket a block not lava like take cobblestone gen bucket make it into a cobblestone block so we...
  3. B

    Accepted Immortal Factions Faction Core (mobheads core) coords in /f who

    +20 tf not one has bigger in than xone
  4. B

    Accepted Immortal Factions Ideas for Factions.

    +10 but I think sand should stay going bottom to top
  5. B

    Accepted Immortal Factions faction mcmmo

    I agree with this man
  6. B

    Accepted Immortal Factions faction mcmmo

    Minecraft Username: dronedoesmc What is the suggestion about? faction mcmmo Description: change mcmmo of alchemy How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork? make it so the max cap is 1000 like it is intended to be because now that cap is at 350 it's basically useless and I been...
  7. B

    Accepted Immortal Factions Nerfing special sets and bringing back pot pvp for next season

    suu wooooo Lil Drone gang yea @BabbyXD DRONEGANG Babby gets pop in pvp like a wheelie cracker he a silly cracker in the hood with my Versace set, and my bape set karma ran off because we were shooting crackers, we ain't hooping crackers no kb, cuz your in my web, because of my webshooter 5 on...