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    bedwars basketball

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    Why is triples dead often more than the others?

    none will play triples most of the players will only join the other else , there are very less of the players will team up with only 3 people
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    Jartex Bedwars are the best

    Agree !!!!
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    Bedwars Update suggestion

    The last event was very good. It was an event where you could trade slightly special items in the store . Hope it will come back as soon as possible
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    How do I get better at pvp

    learn some pvp technique otherwise can use knockback stick ( i love that so much ahahahaha)
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    a maps

    The current maps are all good, but some are too big and difficult to play . if need please add some maps which are small
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    /clan if u have a clan
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    Do you really need a rank?

    Personal decision, if you need to do something useful for rank, then you really need
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    Recent Lag on Server.

    that's a bug i guess
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    Staff application try your best good luck
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    A Detailed Bed-wars Guide. For Beginners on JartexNetwork.

    u may also watch youtube hahahaha like wallibear or others it will also very helpful
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    hello i would like to apply for a youtube rank in jartex network youtube channel [DELETED]

    you cant apply for youtuber rank with a deleted channel , why don't u continue with that way