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  1. fusion1818

    Denied Minigames BedWars Smaller maps in bedwars

    Ah idrc yk why bcz this post is more 4 months old someone close this to prevent further grave digging
  2. fusion1818

    BedWars Jartex should add a hotbar exlusive block selection

    I think this idea was already suggested and denied correct if im wrong
  3. fusion1818

    BedWars How To Get Rank In Jartex?? Guide for Our new members

    Oh yeah i Double checked gold is 200 dia is 500
  4. fusion1818

    BedWars How To Get Rank In Jartex?? Guide for Our new members

    Dia gets 500 crystal infinite ,wasnt gold 300?
  5. fusion1818

    BedWars Jartex should add a hotbar exlusive block selection

    Its a cool idea but i think it may never be added
  6. fusion1818

    BedWars How To Get Rank In Jartex?? Guide for Our new members

    Did u ever have iron rank for 31 days or 3 days?
  7. fusion1818

    BedWars How To Get Rank In Jartex?? Guide for Our new members

    Most people dont know it tho,i met so many people that are saying getting gold rank is impossible ,and most of them didn't know that they can claim at then end of the month -_- + most people don't even forums exist lmao
  8. fusion1818

    Denied Global Blacklist these 2 clients.

    Yeah , most people just read this and +1 wuthout really understanding when it was implemented why it is used which advantages it gives,btw banning those clients wint dk anything there many clients that are customizeable like labymod,forge etc u can just download HitDelayFix so does this mean ban...
  9. fusion1818

    Denied Global Blacklist these 2 clients.

    U can disable damage indicator mod lmao
  10. fusion1818

    Denied Global Blacklist these 2 clients.

    It doesn't but u can download ur mods there lol
  11. fusion1818

    Denied Global Blacklist these 2 clients.

    There is one mod that laby mod has that is banned on hypixel also on jartex its the damage indicator it gives a huge advantage in practice
  12. fusion1818

    BedWars Any tips on how to level up faster?

    Depends, lvl 50 is 100k exp lvl 100 is 853k see the difference?
  13. fusion1818

    BedWars Any tips on how to level up faster?

    Bro u can get 3000+ exp with boosters in an hour ,and u can get them though voting lol
  14. fusion1818

    BedWars Any tips on how to level up faster?

    Rank doesn't have exp multiplier,but it can open some easy missions with exp
  15. fusion1818

    BedWars Any tips on how to level up faster?

    Which lvl are u?More wins in sw(sw is fastest win and fastest loss),bedwars quads with for consistent wins,minigame boosters,vote crystal exp boosters,missions
  16. fusion1818

    Denied Global Blacklist these 2 clients.

    HitDelayFix doesnt give an enormous advantage,first of all amybe u dont understand it if u miss all ur hits then there is gonna be a 10 tick delaybut if u consistently combo without bad aim there is not gonna be a 10 tick delay also this was added in 1.8,there was no such thing as hit delay in...
  17. fusion1818

    Denied Practice Ping Range

    This is gonna be so useful fr if it gets added +1
  18. fusion1818

    Denied Minigames BedWars Smaller maps in bedwars

    The purpose of quads is to get consistent wins. What are u talking about that making solo small map centered will make everybody play solo instead of quads ,also this post was created 2 months ago and answering now wont change the fact thay its still denied(people be grinding msgs here rn)
  19. fusion1818

    Denied Minigames BedWars Smaller maps in bedwars

    I doesn't depend if a map has 8 iron rush it depends how fast can u end the game in solo bw most of the time ur just running and bridging bcz the map scale is too big for example sonic front 8 iron side 12 iron but overall sonic map is too big for solo bw wouldn't u agree tho?There are some...
  20. fusion1818

    Denied Sharpness Upgrade BedWars

    -1 bcz this balances out swets with Diamond hoarders getting sharp early game will too op