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  1. W

    Since there's no report option for Blackmail and Harassment, at least that I've seen, I'll do it here. This is against Kat1Cisim and Zankiller1233.

    Uh, if you want think this is gonna get accepted, this is normal and my enemies do it all the time and so do i. That's why you join a team -ps saybye
  2. W


    p.s - saybyetoyourbed (not a duper 100%)
  3. W


    I don't think anyone will remember you ngl
  4. W

    Just give us some normal survival.

    Bb8 doesn't have any on on his side me and him were banned for duping - saybye
  5. W

    Update Survival - Reset | February The 26th 2022

    No they shouldn't, s7 isnt p2w
  6. W

    Update Survival - Reset | February The 26th 2022

    Removing p6 and s7 will just make p5 more rarer idiot, that means u can only get p5 from crate
  7. W

    Update Survival - Reset | February The 26th 2022

    Beating everyone in pvp wasn't a challenge, 30-0 war wins - saybye
  8. W

    Accepted survival build battles

    how we gon do this with 0 mods i up voted anyways
  9. W

    Denied Karma Currency

    karma dupe go boom boom ecksdee
  10. W

    1.16.5 no longer supported on survival?

    Great, thanks for making my life way harder then it already is, FPS lag will increase and triple in size, numbers of players have already divided by 3. Everyone uses 1.16.5, why change it? 1.17 is the most laggy game mode ever, please change it back, I'm taking a break from survival and going to...
  11. W

    Denied Survival Events

    lack of work so it is -2.8 lalallalala
  12. W

    Denied Survival Events

    yes i have to write a message more than 6 words so ok
  13. W

    My survival base

    Rl Ello str its me saybye XDDDDD
  14. W

    king rank hacking 0,0

    I reported and now banned - ign saybyetourbed
  15. W

    my music player :)

    Lets see if you can get my head :) -IGN SayByeToYourBed (im banned so u cant)
  16. W

    Denied Bug Abuse/ Slight unfair advantages

    Minecraft Username: SayByeToYourBed What is the suggestion about? Bug Abuse/ Slight unfair advantages Description: A bug on survival, that no one used, has been abused by many for months and months, however at the end of the day, they get banned, but then unbanned. This is unfair. An example...
  17. W

    Denied Equal PVP

    Minecraft Username: SayByeToYourBed What is the suggestion about? Equal PVP Description: PVP is a great addition to Jartex Survival, but its nearly impossible to play survival pvp, without being asked what team are you in , or if you are in the pvp discord , its unfair on new players...