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  • Users: kiolp
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  1. K

    Denied New cosmetic type

    Minecraft Username: kiolp What is your suggestion's title? New cosmetic type Suggestion Details: Your server have so many cosmetics categories like Cloaks, suits, particles etc. I request to you to add a new type of cosmetic category called "Pets" many of server have this type of...
  2. K

    Denied Better nt jump

    Minecraft Username: kiolp What is your suggestion's title? Better nt jump Suggestion Details: Many of the server have tnt delay of 3 seconds but your server has a tnt delay of 5 seconds this cause a problem while tnt jumping so pls How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork? Idk...
  3. K

    Denied Level on players head

    Minecraft Username: kiolp What is your suggestion's title? Level on players head Suggestion Details: Can you pls add levels on player head so everyone can see that players level that's can be easy to see that what level the player is. Where the name of player is located I am talking...
  4. K

    Denied BedWars fireball fix

    Minecraft Username: kiolp What is your suggestion's title? fireball fix Suggestion Details: Whenever I throw a fireball it never goes starting I request to you to pls fix this problem. How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork? Your server's reputation will be damaged if you...
  5. K

    Denied fireball fix

    Minecraft Username: kiolp What is your suggestion's title? fireball fix Suggestion Details: Whenever I throw a fireball it never goes straight it goes up and down so I can't do a snipe I can only use it for fireball jump I request you to pls fix this problem. How could this idea help...
  6. K

    Denied Set skin

    Why pls add it likely all servers have this feature :(
  7. K

    Denied Set skin

    Minecraft Username: kiolp What is your suggestion's title? Set skin Suggestion Details: I request you to pls add a skin bot so if anyone want to change their skin they can simple type /skin [skin name] pls add it :) How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork? Your server will...
  8. K

    Denied BedWars Adding more items in bedwars.

    Jartex is a nutshell It doesnt want his server to be popular bruh.
  9. K

    Denied BedWars Adding more items in bedwars.

    Minecraft Username: kiolp What is the suggestion about? Adding more items in bedwars. Description: Can you pls add the bridge egg, and popup towers luke things in your bedwars like hypixel pls. If you add these things your server will be more popular comparing to now :) How can this...