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  1. YodaYouCanCallMe

    I am new

    i just wanna play videogames (and i needed that 50th message and i was too lazy to type in an another forums and this is the only wholesome forum page rest of it are all filled with guys like jackoryan :3 )
  2. YodaYouCanCallMe

    Do yall think tahsan is an sensitive person?

    i am just curious to know :3
  3. YodaYouCanCallMe

    Did yall know that near 8M people quit smoking every year

  4. YodaYouCanCallMe


    In your perspective what is the: 1. Most useful item: 2. Most useless item: 3. Favorite item:
  5. YodaYouCanCallMe

    Stay strong everyone

    NNN starts tomorrow good luck y'all (dw if you didn't make it try again next time)
  6. YodaYouCanCallMe

    Any pewdiepie watchers

    What is math related to? its a peaceful life : )
  7. YodaYouCanCallMe

    Wandering soul seeking wisdom

    Yesterday i tried playing prison i spend like 10 minutes and i quit After some time i thought about that ,has anyone wondered what is the point of prison its like constant mining and going up levels to mine more I've never got the thing behind prison servers .Its like Cooperate slavery but no...
  8. YodaYouCanCallMe

    Where mario circuit

    Is it just me or is Mario circuit not coming in the map cycle .I haven't gotten on Mario circuit in a long time i have gone in both in solos in duos and i have not gotten it an exclusive map for some reason .Its like one of my favorite map because of fast rushes my reddit feed is pretty...
  9. YodaYouCanCallMe

    I have to bridge to stab

    the blocks at spawn island are sometimes real low like i played a game today and got 7 blocks out of that chest. i only search 2 chests and rush from the loot from that chests so it would be real appriciated it you can increase the block spawning rates.(sorry for bad English but i was sleepy...
  10. YodaYouCanCallMe

    FPS Drop on certain a map

    Ive never experienced this until recently i played on the new map called skyline every time i play on it my frames drops to 30 or near that. I usually cap mine on 60 because o have a 60hz monitor .ive seen other players complain about this to. It maybe some entity block like sign, item frame or...