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  1. PurVision

    Tips On Winning Bedwars

    Well you could do that just get ready to get bannes in uhm 2 mins maximum
  2. PurVision

    Best way to make someone ragequit in bedwars

    Nice but you should only use 4 obsidian and make a trap at there spawn point now you got a pet which you can also kill!
  3. PurVision

    Hey it’s a fellow player!

    Welcome! hope you have a nice day!
  4. PurVision

    HI :P

    Hi welcome! hope you have a nice day!
  5. PurVision

    The best way to deal with hackers.

    thanks this helped me alot! although i did lose but still i did manage to destroy there bed.
  6. PurVision

    What do buy with Diamonds

    you should also get 10 diamonds and buy prot 2 with sharpness (this is what i do)
  7. PurVision

    Tips On Winning Bedwars

    I have lost about 20 games because I didn't have blocks lol
  8. PurVision


    Well skybasing does help you if your trying to luvonox clutch
  9. PurVision

    Best way to make someone ragequit in bedwars

    Thanks my new pet loved me so much!
  10. PurVision

    Being rich be like.........

    Thats not even that rich lol, but nice job
  11. PurVision

    Im new to this forum

    Welcome! i hope you like it here, have a nice day
  12. PurVision

    Hello i am GOLDENKUSH

    Welcome to the forums! I am too also new to the forums but not the server
  13. PurVision

    when jartex is sus

    Lol i also found that once