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  1. rohan24gamer2

    Do we get muted for a typo?

    seems like a mistake to me 😜
  2. rohan24gamer2

    Borders Bug

    Report Bugs here
  3. rohan24gamer2

    level 7 quest

    beast way is to make a farm and use shop hoe (it directly sell to shop without 👆 those process)
  4. rohan24gamer2

    level 7 quest

    or you can use /sell command. that will open up a menu where you can click on the stuff you want to sell and close the window to get a confirmation popup
  5. rohan24gamer2

    level 7 quest

    there are some sellable items in shop like boss world crops and mob drops you can right click on the stuff you want to sell and click on sell all
  6. rohan24gamer2

    Level 250 Coming next season??
  7. rohan24gamer2

    How do i get keys?

    You also can get keys from voting for sever
  8. rohan24gamer2

    Pay bug

    it is currently disabled
  9. rohan24gamer2


    So i already have blackhat rank(seasonal) and I grinded for thug rank for so many days but because of my blackhat rank (seasonal) I cant redeem it. can you guys help me PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE HELP ME
  10. rohan24gamer2

    login problem

  11. rohan24gamer2

    Quick Question

    gold farm ytou can get gold from kiling pigman you cann buy spawners in /shop
  12. rohan24gamer2

    Stuff lost in Reboot

    but in silver zone u dond lose stuff
  13. rohan24gamer2

    Best ways to earn money

    best way to mine eores found in boss world to enter you must be lvl 10 enjoy :)
  14. rohan24gamer2

    Heads and genbox..

    with heads do /transfer 10 heads - 1 mobcoin
  15. rohan24gamer2

    Mobs not dropping anything.

    it is also a sword thing i have problems to i did like i did a cumstom enchantment and i cheked it drops or not i made my sword like that i sopose it should be a problem of custom enchantments
  16. rohan24gamer2

    Enchanted coal /blocks

    you cand get back eiron use - upgrade minion (after III lvl of minion)
  17. rohan24gamer2

    competition points

    hi how cani get competition points (for my lvl)
  18. rohan24gamer2

    how to cap the koth temple?

    yes xD he said that becase skygod = most op stuff (p2w)
  19. rohan24gamer2

    minion levels bugged

    please report this kind of things in