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  1. hamenadr

    level reset

    You can bug report here
  2. hamenadr

    i lose my stuff in level 10 boss fight location !!!

    you can report a bug here but sadly jartex don't return stuff lost due a glitch or a bug or you lost it somewhere
  3. hamenadr

    /level Progress resets when leaving Bossworld

    You can bug report here
  4. hamenadr

    why does my cactus farm didnt work

    replace all cobblestone with fences .
  5. hamenadr

    how to get boss totem

    You can buy it from /shop or get it from key crates how to use :- just right click in a open ground with totem in hand
  6. hamenadr

    Solved i got banned...

    You can appeal at hope u have a good day
  7. hamenadr

    How to get Enchantment orbs?

    u can get the in key crates or advent calendar on the month of December
  8. hamenadr

    Why does my spawners not spawning mobs?

    Passive mobs (pigs, cows) can only spawn on grass, so make sure you build a preferred 10x10 platform with fences around it so the mob doesn't fall out. Sell the loot the mob drops too, so that you can always make that extra profit. Spawners can stack , and you can upgrade them by placing a...
  9. hamenadr

    Is skyblock worth playing?

    No Sky Block Dream is better that all other game modes on Jartex Network
  10. hamenadr

    Why did my PROTECTED chest plate break?

    white scroll does not protect every low destructive rate of a custom enchant
  11. hamenadr

    Is skyblock worth playing?

    yea it is worth playing there is so much to grind in sbd /level
  12. hamenadr

    How to buy 3x3 mine box

    its called gem box and was remove for this season [ or maybe forever ]