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  1. cnnections

    Solved Can i still recover my Jartex profile?

    thank you so much, i appreciate it!
  2. cnnections

    Solved Can i still recover my Jartex profile?

    I need help, i just have changed my minecraft password, and literally forgot my old one and i can't log in to Jartex now, cause when i enter my new pass it kicks me and gives me a message ''Wrong Password'', i'm guessing i need my old one, is there a way i can recover and play on Jartex again?
  3. cnnections

    YouTube Rank

    so like even you pass the requirements on TikTok not on YouTube do u still get the YT rank?
  4. cnnections

    Denied Fix Ladders

    Minecraft Username: cnnections What is the suggestion about? Fix Ladders Description: Ladders are good on Jartex but there is this one bug, where if you mlg clutch on a ladder, or fall on a ladder you just start glitching, teleporting you from where you jumped (basically a loop...
  5. cnnections

    YouTube Rank

    I'm sorry btw putting this here, idk what thread to put it on so yh, sry bout that.
  6. cnnections

    YouTube Rank

    Hey! uhm, i was just wondering if you have another social media platform that gets the specific amount of goal needed to get YouTube rank, and the same requirements, will you be able to get the YouTube Rank? For example if i have the needed requirements for YouTube Rank but the social media...
  7. cnnections

    Solved Global I need help.

    I changed my Minecraft account's name today, a premium Minecraft account, logging in back i lost all of my wins in bedwars, skywars, everything, the whole thing. reset. Is there a way i can recover my data again? Previous username: cnnections New username: Xmoothy