As I've now explained countless of times (please read above) increasing the cooldown by 5-6 seconds will allow a bigger window for the attacker to crit/attack the runner before the runner can enderpearl again. This will makes 1v1's shorter and less tiresome when playing against runners.
The game is also slower and annoying when people constantly from 20 pots onwards...
I understand this concept but half the time pearls don't even come through and still provide the cooldown but thats another suggestion for another day.
Increasing the cooldown allows the games when you're...
I introduced myself slightly with a written introduction but I feel that this is a better way to introduce myself as I'm planning on staying in the community for quite a while :)
Thanks for taking your time to read/watch this :D
That isn't the aim of a 1v1.
Personally 1/3 players run from me from the first 2 hits of a fight until they've ran out of pots. This wastes my time massively and I feel a third of my time spent on the practice server has been chasing after people.
Thank you! I wouldn't say a rule would work because like 5% of the community read the rules but there definitely needs to be some type of anti-runner fix.
There needs to be a larger window after pearling so you can hit them more making the game shorter as runners tend to make the duration of the game longer.
I will chase them but it makes the game 10x more boring and 10x longer than it needs to be. As the inevitable finish is just being delayed by someone not playing the game properly. It's 1v1 not a 100m sprint.
As said about 3 times now;
Pearl cooldown would increase the window of being able to...
I agree there is a window and that's why i'm suggesting an increase in cooldown to allow that window to become 5-6 seconds bigger because you can't kill a runner within 5 seconds. Naturally requires 7-10 seconds if they start from full HP which most likely they will as they pearled.
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