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  1. TnTGamerz2000

    Accepted Immortal Factions [Factions] Quests

    +1 Good changes. Hoping to see it in game!
  2. TnTGamerz2000

    SBD Suggestions for the next skyblock-dream season

    I don't want to be a partypooper, but your post said a whole lot... of nothing. I know how Thiemo thinks and what he struggles with regarding SBD. He doesn't struggle with knowing what to change, he struggles with what to change it into, in a way where it will be beneficial for the popularity of...
  3. TnTGamerz2000

    Update SkyBlock Dream - Reset | January The 13th 2023

    Notice how thiemo decided to ignore 95% of the people complaining about special/treasure gkit, and nothing happened to it? šŸ˜‚
  4. TnTGamerz2000

    Update SkyBlock Dream - Reset | January The 13th 2023

    W thiemo, apart from the many copy pastes, typos etc. If this all works as intended. W season
  5. TnTGamerz2000

    Update SkyBlock Dream - We Need Your Help! | January The 4th 2022

    Theres no such thing as 'winning' in sbd. Its basically PVE. Only thing you can win is island top. And most of that isn't done through crates
  6. TnTGamerz2000

    Update SkyBlock Dream - We Need Your Help! | January The 4th 2022

    Wat is jouw in game name?
  7. TnTGamerz2000

    Update SkyBlock Dream - We Need Your Help! | January The 4th 2022

    I really genuinely hope and honestly make a bold assumption that thiemo has brains enough to not listen to the new people with the dumb suggestions, and listen to the more long playing people, that have already made great suggestions here. And not listen tk stuff like 'disable item loss in...
  8. TnTGamerz2000

    Update SkyBlock Dream - We Need Your Help! | January The 4th 2022

    One more thing that would be a good change is something someone else posted is a dedicated pvp island where you're able to farm something that gives you an advantage in is top. Since competitiveness is the biggest drive in skyblock and somethinh we have been missing for a long long time. Maybe...
  9. TnTGamerz2000

    Update SkyBlock Dream - We Need Your Help! | January The 4th 2022

    Maybe a smart idea to do it in english lmao
  10. TnTGamerz2000

    Update SkyBlock Dream - We Need Your Help! | January The 4th 2022

    I have no clue who you are or how you know im Dutch lmao but im not here to make it into a powerpoint or presentation. Not here to make it pretty, im here for suggestions, fixes, things to add. And I provided the neccesary information and examples since the devs dont play their own gamemode and...
  11. TnTGamerz2000

    Update SkyBlock Dream - We Need Your Help! | January The 4th 2022

    Alright i'm gonna try to write down the stuff that would seem like good changes to me. 1. Starting off with the gkit treasure and special. Remove the "island member upgrade". They are absolutely useless and I assume for the price of 25$+ you wouldn't want those things to take up 3/9 rewards...
  12. TnTGamerz2000

    How to get Fly Voucher for Free

    Buying them from players with in game stuff
  13. TnTGamerz2000

    Current leveling system

    With the new addition to making leveling harder in the latest reset, leveling has been harder than ever before. In my honest opinion this change was needed, because people were level 25 fairly quickly last season. But they have overdone it by an extraordinary amount, not only are the level...
  14. TnTGamerz2000

    Enchanted ores

    As far as I am aware upgraded minions WILL drop enchanted ores. I am not sure about genboxes but I highly doubt that!
  15. TnTGamerz2000

    New Transfer System

    With the new SBD reset there were some changes and additions including the supposedly new /transfer system. A whole new mobcoin economy. I was personally very excited to see this change but to my surprise it has not been implemented (yet?). I think this plays a big role in early game and would...
  16. TnTGamerz2000

    Jartex' status in my view

    My personal view... It's sad to see that this network doesn't necessarily care about the potential growth it could have. (because it really does as a cracked server), but only the potential income. This is the reason alot of small - mid tier networks die out. I don't think they realise that...
  17. TnTGamerz2000

    Present hunt and how to get them?

    Its supposed to happen in warp pvp. This was a feature at christmas which honestly worked for a solid week. Then it stopped working properly. And the devs have been too lazy to remove this. So its useless
  18. TnTGamerz2000

    Denied SBD Mobkillstop

    +1 by any means. Hope to god they add this
  19. TnTGamerz2000

    Update Skyblock Dream - We Need Your Help! | February The 11th 2021

    And maybe on the bossing system. I love the sound of being able to prestiege. Maybe when you prestiege bosses will drop 25% more loot with each kill but also do 10-25% more damage. So it gets increasingly difficult everytime :)
  20. TnTGamerz2000

    Update Skyblock Dream - We Need Your Help! | February The 11th 2021

    I do disagree on the prizes. 250k mobcoins is a ridiculous amount for something so simple. Even 100k is alot. Especially when you want it to increase everytime you buy it. I was kind of known as the grinder on sbd and the max i once reached was 100k mobcoins