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  1. B

    Unrepentant staff and glitch ban for 24h

    I just want to know does the 24h ban resault in perma ban? I dont mind those 24h I just wanna know if I wont be able to play again after 2 weeks of grinding
  2. B

    Unrepentant staff and glitch ban for 24h

    "I did not use any hacks. I was playing minecraft on the versin 1.16.2 and I was farming. Whilst farming I stepped on the carpet and in the same time the anti farming bot popped up. I glitched out and couldnt press any keys(or disconnect). I even begged staff members to come and help after I...
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    Denied Immortal Factions Overclaims

    So you say it has no value but would you reather shoot TNT from 30 chunk distance (with 50walls) or 100 chunk distande (150walls)?? Your alt account doesnt need protection but your main base does. As you can see it makes a huge difference.
  4. B

    Denied Immortal Factions Overclaims

    Well I will to prove a point (If you have only 7 friends you can make this happen) 12 year old dont want their base raided so easily so they dont want this to change :P Its AN EXPLOIT it SHOULDNT be in the game
  5. B

    I cant unclaim land that is overclaimable

    Ima make a suggestion and explain everything this does not make any sense
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    Denied Immortal Factions Overclaims

    Minecraft Username: Buloo123 What is the suggestion about? Overclaims Description: Overclaims are in almost every faction server because you are suppose to watch out for power of your faction. I think 40 power per player makes raiding really hard if you can not overclaim the land (The...
  7. B

    I cant unclaim land that is overclaimable

    wait what is the point of power then? Will you enable it?
  8. B

    I cant unclaim land that is overclaimable

    I am trying to unclaim this faction that has less power than land?!? Its a main base of a faction on the top 25list and Im annoyed at the fact I cant unclaim them and get their loot. 272/237/240 Land/Power/Maxpower (this is what is says when I type their /f who) If this is a bug I was a mod...