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  1. T

    Denied Better Vision in name tags [Practice PVP]

    +1/ neutral good suggestion g,ghk hjg jkgh hghkg khg kgkjg hg ghjkhkd
  2. T

    Denied BedWars Fireball jumping and sheers cost

    In the update log, it states, "Added Fireball Jumping," but I think it's bugged. If the shears will be nerfed, it should be 20 iron, not 10-15(that's too cheap) Neutral on invis
  3. T

    nonono, it's one of my friends on disc, i dmed them all to check my suggestion

    nonono, it's one of my friends on disc, i dmed them all to check my suggestion
  4. T

    Accepted Friend list addition.

    +1 I can't seem to find anything wrong with this.
  5. T

    Accepted Having tags before your username

    Nuetral/+1! You should have suggested for guilds then(in that case, you can call them guild tags??), they're pretty much the same, you won't accept low elo players on your own guild right? This sparks many new ideas, wait for my suggestion soon! Your examples really confused me, if you want it...
  6. T

    its not mine dude, ill ask my friends who is it

    its not mine dude, ill ask my friends who is it
  7. T

    maybe its my friend? i told them to check my suggestions out

    maybe its my friend? i told them to check my suggestions out
  8. T

    idk waht u mean i dont know that guy not because he +1 all of my suggestion doesn't mean that...

    idk waht u mean i dont know that guy not because he +1 all of my suggestion doesn't mean that it's my alt, i have no alt
  9. T

    Accepted Removing AFK Players on Practice/ Extending the player limit for the server

    how many upvotes for a suggestion to be accepted? or what does it take, even?
  10. T

    Accepted Removing AFK Players on Practice/ Extending the player limit for the server

    pls tell me the reason why -1 (not mad xD)just want to know))
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  13. T

    Denied BedWars Adding a Daily Leaderboard

    Guys please also state why -1? I'm not mad, I just don't know what's bad on my suggestions, it can help me understand it more.
  14. T

    Denied BedWars 3 ideas to improve BedWars

    Ye, about your first idea, let's say I worked hard to get the Rene Gadget, will I trade that with you to get something really easy to get? Maybe if you don't want your gadget anymore and instead got jealous on other players gadgets? If that so, its Neutral. But I personally don't think many...
  15. T

    Denied Already Suggested Global Small Fix And New Feature For Jartex In-General

    My opinion on your 1st suggestion: vortex is right, make a bug report not a suggestion; as it might get fixed too. It might be lag too, maybe you got glitched on a block and Jartex's anti cheat triggers, and thinks your flying or whatevaa 2nd: +1 but maybe come up with another name. This can...
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  17. T

    Accepted Removing AFK Players on Practice/ Extending the player limit for the server

    I mean it's their decision, however that's my fault how I didn't say that, that was just an example
  18. T

    Denied Uhc Champion

    Neutral/-1 Jartex has originality
  19. T

    Accepted Removing AFK Players on Practice/ Extending the player limit for the server

    Minecraft Username: TristanTheGreat What is the suggestion about? Removing AFK Players on Practice/ Extending the player limit for the server Description: Just a few hours ago, I tried to join practice, but instead said, Server Full! As you all know, both in the hub/main lobby and...
  20. T

    Denied BedWars Adding a Daily Leaderboard

    Minecraft Username: TristanTheGreat What is the suggestion about? Adding Daily Stats Description: So, pretty much everyone knows that you can check your weekly and monthly stats on Bedwars, right? But by adding Daily stats, you can see how much you improve daily. If you check on...