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  1. D

    Denied Global Permanent ban for console

    +1 very important will keep out a crap ton of hackers
  2. D

    Denied Immortal Factions On/Off - Public Chat

    Can't explain how it is banned, it simply doesn't work, you have to buy an app from the government and pay monthly for it if you want to call via internet, otherwise, use vpn which is obviously hard to manage with.
  3. D

    Denied Immortal Factions On/Off - Public Chat

    That is so not convenient to switch between discord and minecraft every 30 seconds. But, let's see!
  4. D

    Denied Immortal Factions On/Off - Public Chat

    Well, sorry to drag it on so long but, in some countries voice calling is banned, like here in the UAE. So... yeah.
  5. D

    Denied Immortal Factions On/Off - Public Chat

    How would you talk to your faction mates though?
  6. D

    Denied Immortal Factions On/Off - Public Chat

    Minecraft Username: DeathRix23 What is the suggestion about? On/Off - Public Chat Description: Hey all! I'm new in this server and so far, I'm loving it! However, there's a few thing's which I really think would help a lot of people. I think there should be a way to mute public chat, so...