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  1. F

    How to Get Enderman Spawners

    Just wanting to know, how do you get the Enderman spawners in Faction Server. Thanks!!
  2. F

    Show item in chat

    thanks so much mate, i appreciate it!!
  3. F

    Show item in chat

    I've seen lots of people showing items in their chat, i legit have been asking for 15 minutes and noone replies, how to show item in chat, do you need a plugin for that?
  4. F

    Faction no owner problem

    it was me that was banned, and one of my friend became the owner(***), then when i got back in we tried to make me the owner back, but we cant and now theres no owner, the highest is me at the co admin position (**) and i already upgraded perks and the faction level is already 5, if i disbanded...
  5. F

    Faction no owner problem

    So i was just back to jartex (FAC) after getting banned and now the faction doesnt have any owner and only me as an co admin, how do i fix this? do i just wait? because i cant use the /f or upgrade the perks. Thanks