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  1. S

    Denied BedWars Adding a Daily Leaderboard

    I think that would be great nor even in the bedwars and in the skywars, because everyone can abble to be in the leaderbord its hard to be on leaderboard
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    Accepted Adding Faster Gens in 4v4v4v4s

    That would be +1 because on 4s the maps are biger, and generator slow for 4 people, when one died and took all the materials snd for other didnt left
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    Denied A website or a discord bot to check our statistics

    I think that would be great idea, because you can see yours stats in one place, not need to switch minigames to see that minigame stats i will go with +1
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    Denied Remove Pearl Damage

    Sorry but I didn’t like this idea. Of course this would be easier to escape, but more fun when you need to calculate if pearl will kill you or not, and just do everthing to get away. They should make pearls do less damage but not 0 maybe 1 heart damage
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    Accepted The Bedwars Shop

    i will go with +1 because i got killed when j was sorting the shop, and yes that wasnt good experience.
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    Denied PracticePvP /Staff message

    I love this idea because that would be easier then messaging them in the discord or adding to the party, i would love this idea to be in server +1
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    Denied BedWars Upgrading tools

    Minecraft Username: SeichU What is the suggestion about? Upgrading tools Description: I dont know that was suggested or not. This when u buyin tools and upgrading them. And when u die u dont lose tools, but going 1 upgrade down How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork? This can...
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    Denied Store Unban purchases

    Kinda good but at same time no
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    Denied BedWars Adding a few items in Bedwars.

    -1 bedwars will lost his idea, that nore for eggwars or others
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    Denied BedWars The Whole BedWars Server Update Sequel 3

    +1 its very retard when u need get 20 iron for stone sword, and for fireball that need to make less damage for fire ball jumps
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    Denied Lack of Information BedWars Bedwars custom matches

    Minecraft Username: SeichU What is the suggestion about? Bedwars custom matches Description: Every week can be some custom gamemode, like with super power or others How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork? More fun Extra Information: This can be nor now, because need to...
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    Denied Forums Ban page

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    Denied Global Ban bot

    Minecraft Username: SeichU What is the suggestion about? Ban bot Description: Ban bot when u can report in game with chat, because not everone have time to record a video and post that, and u just loosing stats. For report u can type /report (hacker name) Console more likely kicking not...
  14. S

    Denied BedWars Reasonably sized maps for bedwars.

    +1 I hate when u playong solosnand get map like 4s gamemode