Looking to join someone's island in gens or looking for people to join my island.
Requirements to join my island:-
• should be active
• have 28 gen slots
• should be lvl 38-40
• nice and friendly
• cooperation in using gen drops, anyone can sell drops whenever one wants but should cooperate.
Minecraft Username:
What is your suggestion's title?
Ah sell confirmation
Suggestion Details:
When we sell an item in ah it gets listed in ah instant, so we need to open ah and check that whether we sold in correct price or not. So I would like to suggest and confirmation...
I'm noticing this after a while that the community assistance forums have been removed and so as the badges like agreed, likes too. Won't they be added again? Why were they removed though.
Minecraft Username:
What is your suggestion's title?
Bring back PRACTICE !
Suggestion Details:
Practice is rising again and it's the best platform for pvp enhancements plus for fun games, Bringing back practice may increase popularity of jartex plus with new games within it...
Minecraft Username:
What is your suggestion's title?
Yearly votetop
Suggestion Details:
From the name you can understand that just like the monthly votetop rewards it will be yearly. So u may say that what is use of getting yearly when people cab get rewards easily by...
Minecraft Username:
What is your suggestion's title?
Overall votes leaderboard
Suggestion Details:
Shows the list of top voters in the history of jartex.
How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
People will cherish their dedication and the top guy will be too...
Milton is the best and kind staff I've seen on jartex. Like the way he handles all tickets and queries so easily and so nicely without any argument just chilling. Respect him fr 💯 👏 🙏 🙌 💯 👏 🙏 🙌 💯
Minecraft Username:
What platform or game mode is this suggestion for?
What is your suggestion's title?
Lucky Iron Crate
Suggestion Details:
Basically I want to suggest a different type of crate in the lobby.
The crate would be called Lucky Iron Crate.
The crate would look...
Minecraft Username:
What platform or game mode is this suggestion for?
What is your suggestion's title?
Get Jartex gold from voting
Suggestion Details:
We can only get Jartex gold from shop by paying for it, we can't get it for free like iron. Like for every 50...
Hi everyone this Is Evergreen_MC(in game name). My normal name is _________. I like to play on jartex it's a great server. I hope it's popularity will increase in future. Till then bedwarsssssssssss!!!!!! ✊✊✊✊✊
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