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  1. InfamousMadara

    Immortal Factions Skyblock Dream Prison Survival KitPvP Lifesteal Gens OneBlock Dark Market

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? Dark Market Suggestion Details: The Dark Market would be a limited time event which will happen once a week at ANY random time. This market would have rare items that are usually only acheivable through paying for the...
  2. InfamousMadara

    Skyblock Dream SBD Returns

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? SBD Returns Suggestion Details: Many things have been wrong about SBD since the last couple seasons and will list those things down below along with some new suggestions. 1) Custom enchants: Custom enchants are a CORE part...
  3. InfamousMadara

    Other Party Games & Build Battle

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? Party Games & Build Battle Suggestion Details: Jartex has been losing its playerbase rapidly. Where it once had 100+ active players in a single gamemode, now it has 80 bots and 20 actual players. I think that instead of...
  4. InfamousMadara

    Prison More Crowns

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? More Crowns Suggestion Details: Currently There are some great crowns, but i think there are some more crowns that can be added here. Some of them are listed below: 1) Lucky Crown: Increases the chance of activating...
  5. InfamousMadara

    Prison Crowns optimization

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? Crowns optimization Suggestion Details: Currently as soon as crowns are refilled in the /darkwizard, they are gone in less than 10 seconds.This is due to people using autoclickers and bots to purchase them in bulk. I...
  6. InfamousMadara

    Prison Dark Soulgem Shop

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? Dark Soulgem Shop Suggestion Details: Dark soulgems are mostly known for being used to purchase crowns from the dark wizard or to get boosters from soulshop. But compared to soulgems, they lack use. I recommend the...
  7. InfamousMadara

    Prison Condenced Items

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? Condensed Items Suggestion Details: In the late game, Mining for money becomes practically obsolete as it is simple not worth going back and worth selling for less than 1% your prestige cost. Therefore i suggest condensed...
  8. InfamousMadara

    Prison More Pickaxe Upgrades

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? More Pickaxe Upgrades Suggestion Details: Prison currently has many upgrades for pickaxes, But in full honesty, some of them are just completely useless. Some of them ive listed below: 1) Veinminer, Laser, Fund raiser...
  9. InfamousMadara

    Gens Ominous forest [Big Update]

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? Ominous forest [Big Update] Suggestion Details: I suggest adding a more PvE aspect to gens. While Gens is supposed to be a grindy and calm gamemode, i believe some danger will add a level of spice to the gamemode. So I...
  10. InfamousMadara

    Accepted /ah sell essense

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? /ah sell essense Suggestion Details: Ability to sell items for essense directly by using /ah sell essence command. This will make trading much easier and make essence a major currency How could this idea help...
  11. InfamousMadara

    Accepted More enchants

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? More enchants Suggestion Details: I think gens is specifically lacking in the custom enchant section, there are many enchants that can be added Here are some that i thought of: FOR HOE/AXE/PICKAXE: 1) Condense: Chance...
  12. InfamousMadara

    Gens Advanced Gens

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? Advanced Gens Suggestion Details: Gens are too simple right now, why not add upgrades to gens? Upgrades such as: 1) Sell Multiplier 2) Condensing the drops that the gens drop (instead of generating some items every few...
  13. InfamousMadara

    Gens Tool Levels

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? Tool Levels Suggestion Details: Add a level system to tools, similar to Prison. As tools levelup they get extra boosts for example Extra essense, Extra drops, Extra experience and so. This is how i imagine it: level 10...
  14. InfamousMadara

    Global Reverting /trash

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? Reverting /trash Suggestion Details: We all have accidentally used /trash on something that we didn't mean to! Often times this means losing something we spent hours or even days grinding! So i suggest /revert a...
  15. InfamousMadara

    Global Rankup voucher

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? Rankup voucher Suggestion Details: In the recent Prison reset, Kingpin+++ was added. It could be acheived by claiming kingpin 4 times. Along with this change, the amount of Kingpins in the seasonal crates was changed...
  16. InfamousMadara

    Day 3 of posting random dad jokes

    Hello JartexNetwork! This is Day 3 of posting random dad jokes that i find on the internet! Why did the invisible man turn down the job offer? Until we meet again 🧙‍♂️
  17. InfamousMadara

    Why is unlqvinly so intimidating?

    IM SURE WE HAVE ALL NOTICED THIS BY NOW!!! The man has a distinct aura which truly frightens me. If he sees a problem, HE WILL LET YOU KNOW Share your experiences with the man the myth the legend, Unlqvinly. PS: No hate, he's a helpful staff but his way of talking catches people off-guard!
  18. InfamousMadara

    Global Claim all gifts at once

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? Claim all gifts at once Suggestion Details: In some gamemodes the server gifts you items when you finish certain milestones or when you open keys with your inventory full. So you have 5-8 pages of gifts that you have...
  19. InfamousMadara

    Day 2 of posting random dad jokes

    Hello JartexNetwork! This is Day 2 of posting random dad jokes that i find on the internet! Why was the computer cold? Until we meet again 🧙‍♂️
  20. InfamousMadara

    Prison Tilled dirt in /shop

    Minecraft Username: InfamousMadara What is your suggestion's title? Tilled dirt in /shop Suggestion Details: Farms are a big thing in prison, infact people spend hours, sometimes DAYS in making a humongous farm for their cellmates. The steps in making a farm is simple 1) place dirt 2) till...