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  1. Fallen_4444th

    Update Survival - Release | February The 17TH 2021

    Hope it is not pay to win.
  2. Fallen_4444th

    Denied TheBridge Unbreakable blocks near the Nexus

    Minecraft Username: awab4444 What is the suggestion about? Unbreakable blocks near the Nexus Description: It is simple: make any block unbreakable in a 2-chunk (or about 32x256x32, estimating that a chunk is 16x256x16 in blocks) radius except for the nexus. How can this idea help to...
  3. Fallen_4444th

    Any new clients

    Vanilla 1.8.1 and the fps is still dropping to below 20 in the lobby, especially with no discrete GPU. Should've got Optifine 1.8.8.
  4. Fallen_4444th

    Update Hub Update | November The 4TH 2020

    Literal decency.
  5. Fallen_4444th

    Favorite pack color?

    Only VanillaTweaks. Its 1.16.2 texture pack gave us shorter swords, shorter shields and lower fire without greatly altering the textures.
  6. Fallen_4444th


    Same. I used to have a computer that is so low-end that it ran Minecraft on the lowest possible settings at the same FPS as Ocarina of Time, a Nintendo-created game that is infamous for having 16 or 20FPS depending on region. But anyways, Welcome to this server, but there are gamemodes, such as...
  7. Fallen_4444th

    Introduction - Mr Sims

    Weird name in my opinion, but ok, you are welcome here MrSims. I hope you become a staff member sooner than later, and don't forget to report any rule breaker you see. Good thing I live out of the Discord territory of this server, so expect me to be very kind.
  8. Fallen_4444th

    Denied Instantaneous drowning in Sumo

    Minecraft Username: awab4444 What is the suggestion about? Instantaneous drowning in Sumo Description: In sumo, players die of drowning, but there is a bug that makes it that if you get knocked out by a high-ping user, you take a lot of time to die and vice versa. How can this idea help to...
  9. Fallen_4444th

    how to make a good Minecraft Montage

    If I made a video montage it will literally have music from both Kevin Macleod (Tikopia and Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy) and music of some videogames, especially because my hacker-exposing content is just self-demonitised, and as with every video I will make in the future. Also you went to my...
  10. Fallen_4444th

    Affected by the Antibot Protection

    What did you say?!?!
  11. Fallen_4444th

    Affected by the Antibot Protection

    Ok but I need to verify my phone number. Also this issue is because I have a VPN so staff should close it.
  12. Fallen_4444th

    Affected by the Antibot Protection

    Still a regular player who did not commit an offence, but this is a screenshot of being banned by the Antibot protection:
  13. Fallen_4444th

    BedWars is DragClicking allowed in bw?

    I do not recommend drag-clicking. It is illegal in high numbers, such as 20+ CPS.
  14. Fallen_4444th

    Update Prison - Reset | September the 26TH 2020

    We've already got a Prison reset from 4 months ago.
  15. Fallen_4444th

    Denied UHC event for free ranks

    Impossible! -1 for this idea. I think it is too stupid and it contains over 255 players in 1 server, which causes more lag. Only 1 rank for a user means that this is too imbalanced for a big event.
  16. Fallen_4444th

    How to get your first 100 subscribers! (Guide)

    Decent guide for a successful YouTuber, but these methods may not work because YouTube nowadays is full of inferior content, and because of a dislikable algorithm.
  17. Fallen_4444th

    Favorite Gamemode

    Practise PVP, especially Sumo since I kill the majority here.
  18. Fallen_4444th

    Click on me for VBucks

    Legitimate clickbait. Basically Fortnicht ("nicht" intended for derogatoriness and because "night" used to be pronounced like this) and anyone with relations to it, ruined our people with "free v-bucks" nonsense.
  19. Fallen_4444th

    What are your thoughts on the bridge

    The bridge is just a horrible knockoff of Shotbow (oldest Annihilation server in Minecraft) and I've played only 3 games, and lost in all of them because of teams that are comparable to DOTA 2's ones, consisting of unskilled players and people who don't know a single word of English (the latter...
  20. Fallen_4444th

    anyone recommend me some packs plz

    I recommend a completely 8x8 pack, gives good performance at the cost of making your game look like low-setting GTA San Andreas. A perfect example is the "Pixelate" resource pack by Fryne.