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  1. MerhusDagon

    Will come back alive soon.

    Will come back alive soon.
  2. MerhusDagon

    Denied Make a Discord server called "JartexNetwork Support server".

    -1 *Repeating what they say above*
  3. MerhusDagon

    Accepted ''Sexism'' option in chat reports

    Sexism is cool sometimes, won't lie.
  4. MerhusDagon

    Denied Invis Pots (30 seconds)

    -1 Good suggestion, don't suggest again.
  5. MerhusDagon

    Denied Skin restorer

    Feel like this will be abused + pretty meh.
  6. MerhusDagon

    How many wins you have in BedWars?

    10 Not counting hypixel.
  7. MerhusDagon

    Denied Generators

    -1 Community doesn't seem to like this.
  8. MerhusDagon

    Denied Sumo event win counter

    +1 Small, but helpful change. Left nut.
  9. MerhusDagon

    Am i good at bedwars?

    I know.
  10. MerhusDagon

    Denied bridge egg invisibility potion compact pop-up tower guild system

    -1 Hello, I am underwater, can you see me?
  11. MerhusDagon

    UPDATE:NetherHighway is now FREE!!!

    Pov: You don't care. Also, don't care.
  12. MerhusDagon

    Denied SkyWars New Skywars Item

    Why? Can you tell why? Say why?
  13. MerhusDagon

    Event StoryTime Event

    Good luck to the nerds participating.
  14. MerhusDagon

    cutest staff member

  15. MerhusDagon

    Mobcoins animals

    It's broken, I don't think anyone has bothered to fix it.
  16. MerhusDagon

    Accepted Discord Blacklisted words

    There is no way this happened?
  17. MerhusDagon

    Denied Boss Countdown

    -1 Same thing people above said.
  18. MerhusDagon

    BedWars Jartex Maps Tier List

    Sheesh, bedwars has a lot of maps now.
  19. MerhusDagon

    BedWars Am i allowed to report someone for saying weird things in the party chat that i dont like?

    Whoa, that's offensive against the pride people!