Minecraft Username:
What is your suggestion's title?
In-game achievements
Suggestion Details:
Sort of like how forums have badges but instead of badges, the player will receive rewards everytime they complete an achievement. The achievements will also be split into...
Minecraft Username:
What is your suggestion's title?
Daily Logging Streak
Suggestion Details:
A global logging streak that increases every day that the player logs into the server. The player could also possibly receive various rewards the more the streak increases.
I don't think this new gamemode would match the feel of the server. This reminds me of lucky blocks wars. Also I think it would be completely ridiculous and irrational for the server to not have skywars and practice but add a brand new gamemode similar to an existing one (bedwars). -1
Damn bro I really like your idea. Challenges like the ones you mentioned and many more that can easily be implemented will definitely make bedwars more fun and will increase playtime. +1
Many people with only a little bit of gold gifting it all to a single person. So let's say for example 10 people have 200 gold each from being top voters/chat events/giveaways and they gift it to a single person. Then that person has 2k gold and can buy dia rank. Now you might wonder why is that...
Well maybe I should rephrase my reply. I don't see any reason players shouldn't know the gear of the enemy they are about to fight, therefore I don't think it's cheating so it shouldn't be added in the rules.
As an idea itself it's really great but it could easily get exploited. Many players could gift to a specific player all of their gold (mass gift) and since gold never expires they could just keep it in their balance until enough people are found to pull off this smart stunt. HOWEVER, I came up...
I would love to see this being implemented in the server because I keep getting kicked out of solo games the second I join them without even having connection issues from my side. I don't see any reason not to add that. +1
Minecraft Username:
What is your suggestion's title?
New rotational item
Suggestion Details:
My idea is to have a new item to be implemented in bedwars as rotation items.
Here's the information about the new item:
Cannon Ball (2 emeralds) - projectile that deals heavy amount of...
I feel like the first 2 items kind of contradict the nature of bedwars and that they aren't suitable within the bedwars environment.
As of the 3rd item (trapper plate), I find it unintelligent to use an item like that in game since it will probably have no use + there are already 2 traps you can...
Since it's not forbidden by the rules just use a similar overlay texture pack as well. It comes in hand and I don't see any reason players shouldn't know the gear of the enemies they are about to fight. -1
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