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    Solved Bug reports

    HI . i had a problem and that was that my sky wars team mode kits are gone . and i created a post in report bug but its been 2 days and no one replies to that . i hope after seeing this u look at that POST
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    Solved Kits reseted

    Sorry but i Have still kits in solo but no kits and glasses in team mode . all of them are gone . I had almost 7 kits and all of the glasses in team mode but they are gone .and Im always playing in team mode so I can remember my kits very well you can see my kits down ther before an after...
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    Solved Kits reseted

    Hi . recently I went to play Team mode bou it seems like my kits have been reseted. is that just for me orr u just reseted it for all ? I had warrior kit and a lot of glasses but they are all gone
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    Denied [SkyWars] Regeneration

    Your In-Game Name: Yasin971 What is your suggestion about?: Regeneration What game-mode is this suggestion for?: SkyWars Describe your suggestion: When the player kills and enemy he/she get regeneration for a few second (like 5s) . How could this help to improve JartexNetwork?: this would be...
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    Solved I cant loggin

    Hi . Recently i changed my original acc name from Yasin971 to Spola. But i cant login to the server because it says the password is wrong. I think someone with name spola already registered to the server. And i cant change the name for a month. Can you help me?