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  1. ChronM

    Solved Lobby Did They Move the Server away from Asia?

    Nothing works, in the Home screen of Minecraft it says i have 225ms but when i get in the server it goes to 0ms
  2. ChronM

    Solved Lobby Did They Move the Server away from Asia?

    yeah but, i cant. with 0ms i cant join any game at all, i cant even walk
  3. ChronM

    Solved Lobby Did They Move the Server away from Asia?

    Back at the Halloween Update, i had Good Connection (225ms) i had a good time, everything is full of Cupcakes and Rainbows, then BAM! all the Halloween Decorations is gone. still having a Great Time, and then the Hub Update Happened. The Connection went from 225 to 1145, i checked my router...
  4. ChronM

    Something About the Daily Delivery that you Probably Didn't Know

    i found out 3 days after this Thread was Posted
  5. ChronM

    Something About the Daily Delivery that you Probably Didn't Know

    Yeah, curiousity made me find out about this
  6. ChronM

    Something About the Daily Delivery that you Probably Didn't Know

    When you click the package, you can actually Reveal all 3 Packages and pick 1. i always thought u can always reveal one and pick it.
  7. ChronM

    How to make a Female Laugh

    im writing this to attract simps in their natural habitat
  8. ChronM

    How to make a Female Laugh

    1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why are you reading this you simp?
  9. ChronM

    Hallooo Im ChronM

    Yay Friends
  10. ChronM

    How to Kill and Catch Hackers Ingame

  11. ChronM

    How to Kill and Catch Hackers Ingame

    Make sure you recorded there that they are Hacking Before Attempting this. 1. Create a Killbox, This will be The Location you are Planning to Kill them (a Bridge is a Good Option) 2. Get 5 Fireballs, Fireballs are the Most OP Weapons in the Game, Although Kill Aura might be able to Block it...
  12. ChronM

    Hallooo Im ChronM

    Hello, My name is ChronM. Im Aspiring to be in the Bedwars Leaderboard, im Enthusiastic and Lonely so, i need more friends. pls
  13. ChronM

    Denied Other Adding Tnt Run

    Minecraft Username: ChronM What is the suggestion about? Adding Tnt Run Description: I would Love it If Jartex Could Add TNT Run as a New Gamemode, as Almost No Cracked Server Have that Gamemode How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork? This Gamemode Can Improve Jartex as it is...