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  1. bigfot


  2. bigfot

    tightest penguin...

    tightest penguin...
  3. bigfot


  4. bigfot

    i love meelb

    i love meelb
  5. bigfot


  6. bigfot

    Minigames The Downfall of Minigames

    water buckets being 10 gold will only increase the amount of players that camp below the islands so i don't really agree with that. But every other suggestion in this post looks good. minigames need an update. +1
  7. bigfot

    my oh my its puppytickles

    my oh my its puppytickles
  8. bigfot

    Minigames Minigames

    adds more incentive to play the server and the clans system would feel more complete and polished if this suggestion were to go through. +1 (ur still my slave alyan)
  9. bigfot

    i need a blasenstraffen

    i need a blasenstraffen
  10. bigfot

    hey cute egirll

    hey cute egirll
  11. bigfot

    BedWars Re-introduction of Map Rotation

    bomboclat +1 jartex boring ongod ongod
  12. bigfot

    Denied [Skywars] Nerf healer kit

    -1 lmao just use axe and break every chest in mid and loot all the items for yourself and you'd have way more healing items than what multiple healer kit users in the game would have. sw games are usually won by whoever holds mid first and steals the most loot. kits only have a small effect on...
  13. bigfot

    Denied Clan Pay out

    +1 keeping payouts exclusive to the top 3 clans and having a very very balanced amount to be paid out to any clan that reaches any of the top 3 positions will not hurt Jartex's bottom line profits I'm sure. Clans have gotten very uncompetitive and quite boring lately and there's a lack of...
  14. bigfot

    Minigames Up the level cap

    +1 There's no good reason why levels at jartex have to be capped at 100, things get boring and there's no incentive to play the game after that, I highly suggest implementing a prestige system like hypixel with special display color combinations for the level, that'll be more than enough...
  15. bigfot


  16. bigfot

    PracticePvP Privacy settings for Duels

    +1 As a person who plays practice a bit, I'd definitely like this to be added as a feature, definitely doesn't hurt to have this as a feature since there's tons of blatantly cheating alts going around spamming duel requests to every person with an ELO rank. Most of the time you'd have to enable...
  17. bigfot

