Punishment Offenses
Minor Moderate SevereClaiming next to / very close to another persons build in order to prevent them from expanding their own build. Each rule breakage will reuslt into the removal of the claim.
- 1 day IP-Ban
- 3 day IP-Ban
- 7 day IP-Ban
- 14 day IP-Ban
Claiming next to / very close to another persons build in order to prevent them from expanding their own build. On first offence your claim will be removed, on a second offence or reported offence your claim will be removed and you will be punished under the griefing timeline.
- Removal of the claim + 1 day IP-Ban
Making use of any tool/weapon/item available on the game mode in order to leave the PvP area and travel to the safe zone.
- 7 days IP-Ban
- 14 days IP-Ban
- 31 days IP-Ban
Using inappropriate names for the minigame clans is not allowed and the owner of the clan will receive a punishment.
- Warning
- 1 Day IP-Ban
- 7 Days IP-Ban - Clan Disban
- 31 Days IP-Ban - Clan Disband
You may not destroy or intentionally ruin someone else's build or steal items from them. This rule includes builds which aren't currently claimed by someone, as well as cobble monsters.
- 3d IP-Ban
- 7d IP-Ban
- 14d IP-Ban
- 31d IP-Ban
Builds such as body parts or inappropriate language are included in this rule. Redstone machines with no real purpose, and flying machines all fall under this rule and will be removed when you are punished.
- 31d IP-Ban
- Permanent IP-Ban
You may not use schematica printer on Survival.
- 31days IP-Ban
- Permanent IP-Ban
Killing a player by requesting them to teleport into a war zone without mentioning it to the player is strictly forbidden. We do not refund any items lost, due to a player breaking this rule.
- 31d IP-Ban
- Permanent IP-Ban
Insiding involves betraying your clan such as stealing items and leaving the island. This is considered disallowed behaviour, and will result into a punishment.
- First Offense ➟ Permanent IP-Ban