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Recent content by YodaYouCanCallMe

  1. YodaYouCanCallMe

    Is this how Jartex really is?

    wait i can rLilJesus ? can i just randomly say the n word in chat?
  2. YodaYouCanCallMe

    I am new

    i just wanna play videogames (and i needed that 50th message and i was too lazy to type in an another forums and this is the only wholesome forum page rest of it are all filled with guys like jackoryan :3 )
  3. YodaYouCanCallMe

    Do you buy obsidian in Bedwars? If so, why

    I do, i buy obby every single game i just love to see peoples reaction when they break the wool layer above it. i usually give the win to the last guy or sometimes i just farm kills with dia sword until they rage quit (it depends on the person im fighting)
  4. YodaYouCanCallMe

    Do yall think tahsan is an sensitive person?

    i am just curious to know :3
  5. YodaYouCanCallMe


    try copy pasting that here :
  6. YodaYouCanCallMe

    Is this how Jartex really is?

    why is this looking like r/im14andthisisdeed suddenly
  7. YodaYouCanCallMe

    Who are the players that can easily defeat you in pvp?

    a guy named redblade idk if yall know him he was like top 1 in weekly kill lb or smthn
  8. YodaYouCanCallMe

    Event Competition Factions Christmas Themed Base & Roofart Event | Jartex Network

    what's the white thing that's behind the tree in the bottom right its creeping me out
  9. YodaYouCanCallMe

    Did yall know that near 8M people quit smoking every year

    this was supposed to be a meme but yall getting emotional
  10. YodaYouCanCallMe

    Did yall know that near 8M people quit smoking every year

  11. YodaYouCanCallMe

    Unbanned 31 Days

    sometimes happiness is getting unbanned in a block game.
  12. YodaYouCanCallMe

    What Map You Hate The Most ? Why? (In Solo)

    I Hate All Big Maps :p For Solo Bedwars.
  13. YodaYouCanCallMe

    How many wins do you have in bedwars? What’s your goal?

    130 wins finish DMC 3 and Skyrim (again)